In the doldrums is an idiomatic expression that describes a state of inactivity, stagnation, or low spirits. This phrase originates from the maritime term “doldrums,” referring to an equatorial region with calm and unpredictable winds. In a broader sense, being in the doldrums implies a period of dullness or lack of progress.
Sample Sentences:
- The business was in the doldrums due to a decline in customer interest.
- After the project’s setback, the team found themselves in the doldrums of uncertainty.
- The artist’s creativity seemed to be in the doldrums as they struggled for inspiration.
- The economy can sometimes be in the doldrums during periods of recession.
- The team’s performance was in the doldrums following a series of defeats.
- As the rainy season approached, outdoor activities were in the doldrums.
- The stock market appeared to be in the doldrums amid economic uncertainties.
- The student’s motivation was in the doldrums after receiving disappointing grades.
- The small town found itself in the doldrums as industries moved elsewhere.
- The singer’s career was in the doldrums as they struggled to produce a hit song.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Sluggish (Lesu)
- Stagnant (Stagnan)
- Languid (Lembap)
- Dull (Bosan)
- Depressed (Tergelincir)
- Unproductive (Tidak produktif)
- Inactive (Tidak aktif)
- Lifeless (Mati)
- Morose (Muram)
- Tepid (Sejuk)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Dynamic (Dinamis)
- Active (Aktif)
- Energetic (Energetik)
- Vibrant (Bersemangat)
- Thriving (Maju pesat)
- Flourishing (Berkembang)
- Productive (Produktif)
- Lively (Hidup)
- Dynamic (Dinamis)
- Animated (Bernyawa)
Derived Words (Kata Turunan):
- Doldrum (Kegelapan)
- Doldrummy (Tidak bertenaga)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Stagnation (Stagnasi)
- Lethargy (Lethargi)
- Standstill (Berhenti)
- Lull (Sepi)
- Apathy (Apati)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):
- Be stuck in the doldrums (Terjebak dalam kelesuan)
- Plunge into the doldrums (Merosot ke dalam kelesuan)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Sail into the doldrums (Melibatkan diri dalam kelesuan)
- Sink into the doldrums (Merosot ke dalam kelesuan)
Related Idioms (Peribahasa Terkait):
- “In the doldrums of despair.” (Dalam kelesuan keputusasaan)
- “Sailing through the doldrums of life.” (Melalui kelesuan hidup)