The word “infested” means “full of or swarming with animals or insects that are harmful or annoying”. It is usually used to describe a place or a thing that has a lot of unwanted creatures in it. For example:
- The hotel room was infested with bedbugs.
- The crops were infested by locusts.
- The city is infested with crime and corruption.
- The wound was infested with maggots.
- The forest was infested with snakes.
Some synonyms of “infested” are:
- overrun (dikerumuni)
- plagued (diserang)
- crawling (penuh)
- swarming (berkerumun)
- teeming (berlimpah)
Some antonyms of “infested” are:
- clear (bersih)
- empty (kosong)
- free (bebas)
- pure (murni)
- sterile (steril)
Some words derived from “infested” are:
- infest (menyebabkan penuh)
- infestation (penyebaban penuh)
- infester (penyebab penuh)
- infesting (menyebabkan penuh)
Some related words of “infested” are:
- infected (terinfeksi)
- contaminated (tercemar)
- polluted (terpolusi)
- diseased (terserang penyakit)
- pestilent (berbahaya)
Some phrasal verbs related to “infested” are:
- be infested with (penuh dengan)
- get infested by (terkena oleh)
- clear out (membersihkan)
- wipe out (menghapuskan)
- spray for (menyemprot untuk)
Some common expressions related to “infested” are:
- shark-infested waters (perairan yang penuh dengan hiu)
- rat-infested slums (kawasan kumuh yang penuh dengan tikus)
- bug-infested mattress (kasur yang penuh dengan kutu)
- flea-infested dog (anjing yang penuh dengan kutu)
- lice-infested hair (rambut yang penuh dengan kutu rambut)
Some related idioms of “infested” are:
- have a bee in one’s bonnet (memiliki pikiran yang mengganggu)
- have ants in one’s pants (gelisah atau tidak sabar)
- have a frog in one’s throat (suara serak atau tidak jelas)
- have butterflies in one’s stomach (gugup atau cemas)
- have a snake in the grass (memiliki musuh yang bersembunyi)