“Innuendo” is a noun that refers to a subtle or indirect remark, insinuation, or suggestion that carries a hidden meaning, often with a negative or suggestive connotation. Innuendos are typically employed to convey a message without explicitly stating it, requiring the listener or reader to infer the intended meaning. They can be used for humor, to create suspense, or to allude to sensitive topics without overtly addressing them.
Sample Sentences:
- The gossip columnist excelled at crafting innuendos that kept readers speculating about the private lives of celebrities.
- Her sly innuendo during the meeting hinted at a potential change in leadership without directly addressing the issue.
- The comedian’s performance was filled with clever innuendos that had the audience laughing between the lines.
- The political debate was marked by subtle innuendos aimed at discrediting opponents without explicit accusations.
- The novelist skillfully wove innuendos into the narrative, creating layers of meaning for attentive readers.
- His raised eyebrow and smirk were a nonverbal innuendo that suggested skepticism toward the speaker’s claims.
- The talk show host used innuendos to discuss controversial topics, maintaining a balance between entertainment and information.
- The film’s dialogue was laced with innuendos, adding complexity to the characters and their relationships.
- Workplace innuendos can create a toxic atmosphere, leading to misunderstandings and strained relationships.
- The politician’s carefully crafted innuendo hinted at corruption without making direct accusations.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Insinuation: Insinuasi
- Implication: Implikasi
- Suggestion: Usulan
- Allusion: Alusi
- Hint: Petunjuk
- Indication: Indikasi
- Undertone: Nuansa
- Overtone: Overtone
- Reference: Referensi
- Subtext: Subteks
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Explicit statement: Pernyataan eksplisit
- Direct assertion: Pernyataan langsung
- Clear communication: Komunikasi yang jelas
- Candid expression: Ungkapan jujur
- Open declaration: Pernyataan terbuka
- Transparent remark: Catatan transparan
- Unambiguous statement: Pernyataan yang tidak ambigu
- Frank discussion: Diskusi terbuka
- Open admission: Pengakuan terbuka
- Straightforward communication: Komunikasi langsung
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Innuendoed: Dengan insinuasi
- Innuendoing: Melakukan insinuasi
- Innuender: Pemberi insinuasi
- Innuendoless: Tanpa insinuasi
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Imply: Menyiratkan
- Infer: Menafsirkan
- Connotation: Konotasi
- Ambiguity: Ambiguitas
- Nuance: Nuansa
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Drop an innuendo: Melemparkan insinuasi
- Use innuendo: Menggunakan insinuasi
- Include innuendo: Menyertakan insinuasi
- Respond with innuendo: Menanggapi dengan insinuasi
- Navigate through innuendo: Menavigasi melalui insinuasi
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Loaded with innuendo: Penuh dengan insinuasi
- Reading between the lines: Membaca di antara baris-baris
- Subtle insinuation: Insinuasi halus
- Innuendo-laden conversation: Percakapan yang penuh insinuasi
- Catch the innuendo: Menangkap insinuasi
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Beat around the bush: Berbicara secara tidak langsung
- Read between the lines: Membaca di antara baris-baris
- Drop a hint: Memberikan petunjuk
- Play it coy: Bermain kalem
- Leave things unsaid: Meninggalkan hal-hal yang tidak diucapkan