

After writing that beauty is truth, truth beauty, John Keats concluded: That is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know. Naturally, the poet’s romantic philosophy must be appreciated on a lofty level, while at the same time, we concede that there are more specific things on this earth that we need to know.

  • Conclude: menyimpulkan, mengakhiri
  • Ye: kamu, kalian (dalam bahasa Inggris kuno atau sastra)
  • Lofty: tinggi, mulia, agung
  • Concede: mengakui, mengakui kebenaran atau kekalahan

To really come to grips with the question, one should be aware of his purposes and his aims in life. There are vital facts that a surgeon needs to know, just as there are essential knowledge and skills for butchers, bakers, and manufacturers of candlesticks. The individual’s lifestyle ultimately determines just how much he needs to know. However, there is a discipline that cuts across every mode of living, and mastery of it can bring all types of rewards. We are referring to the study of vocabulary.

  • Come to grips with the question: memahami atau menangani pertanyaan dengan serius
  • Aware: sadar, menyadari
  • Surgeon: dokter bedah, ahli bedah
  • Essential: penting, sangat dibutuhkan
  • Butcher: tukang daging, penjual daging
  • Baker: tukang roti, penjual roti
  • Candlestick: tempat lilin, alat untuk menopang lilin
  • Ultimately: pada akhirnya, akhirnya
  • Determine: menentukan, memutuskan
  • Discipline: disiplin, kedisiplinan
  • Cut across every mode of living: mempengaruhi atau terkait dengan setiap cara hidup
  • Rewards: penghargaan, hadiah
  • Referring: merujuk, mengacu pada

Possessing a rich treasury of words assures one of the personal pleasures aside from material gains. The subtleties we convey in our speech, the nuances we detect in our reading, and the joy we derive from communicating effectively and understanding precisely are priceless.

  • Treasury: kas negara, keuangan negara
  • Assures: menjamin, meyakinkan
  • Subtlety: kehalusan, kelembutan
  • Convey: menyampaikan, mengirimkan
  • Nuances: nuansa, perbedaan kecil dalam arti atau warna
  • Derive: berasal, mendapatkan
  • Precisely: dengan tepat, secara akurat
  • Priceless: tak ternilai, sangat berharga

Since assembling an extensive and practical vocabulary requires effort, we have tried to get the serious student started by selecting over 1100 valuable words and idioms – 1100 Words You Need to Know – and by teaching them through interest, variety, and repetition.

  • Possessing a rich treasury of words: memiliki kekayaan kata yang melimpah
  • Extensive: luas, meluas
  • Interest: minat, ketertarikan
  • Variety: variasi, keanekaragaman
  • Repetition: pengulangan, pengulangan kata atau frasa secara berulang-ulang

We believe that the reader who spends 15-20 minutes daily on our lesson will see a dramatic improvement in his word power. Aside from the higher grades and success on college entrance exams, he will be better able to send and receive ideas and enrich his personal and professional relationships.

  • Berikut adalah beberapa terjemahan bahasa Indonesia untuk istilah-istilah tersebut:
  • Dramatic: dramatis, menonjol, tajam
  • Improvement: perbaikan, peningkatan
  • Aside from: selain dari, di samping
  • Entrance: pintu masuk, gerbang
  • Enrich: memperkaya, menambah kekayaan atau nilai

Murray Bromberg
Melvin Gordon

More than a half-million readers have already been exposed to the controlled vocabulary in 1100 Words You Need to Know and the techniques that we devised to help them learn how to use those important words. We have received grateful letters from across the country and abroad, praising us for the timeliness of our selection words appearing in newspapers and books, on standardized exams, and in correspondences.

In the Third Edition, we took into account the newly revised. SAT format by creating words-in-context segments called WORD SEARCHES, one for each of the 46 weeks.

In this Fourth Edition, we have word searches of the material and added a major component, “The Panorama of Words,” where you will find a valuable sentence reference for each word you have learned. The material presented is consistent with our successful blueprint of interest, variety, relevance, and repetition. Regard it as a dividend on your investment.

Words in Use:

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