It’s a Man’s World

It’s a Man’s World

How paradoxical that the world’s greatest chefs have all been man! Cooking would clearly seem to be the field that lies exclusively within the ladies’ realm. Yet, the annals of cookery are replete with masculine names, for example, Brilliant Savarin, Ritz Diaz, and Larousse. To compound the puzzle, there has rarely been a tinge of rumor or scandal casting doubts on the masculinity of these heroes of cuisine.

  • Paradox: paradoks, situasi yang bertentangan dengan logika atau harapan
  • Paradoxical: paradoks, bertentangan dengan logika atau harapan
  • Chefs: juru masak, koki
  • Yet: namun, tetapi
  • Annals: catatan sejarah, kronik
  • Cookery: masakan, seni memasak
  • Replete: penuh, sangat kaya
  • Compound: campuran, gabungan
  • A tinge of: sedikit, sedikit sekali
  • Masculinity: maskulinitas, sifat-sifat atau karakteristik laki-laki
  • Cuisine: masakan, makanan khas suatu daerah atau negara
  • a flash in the pan: promising at the start but then disappointing

Paradoxical Chefs: A Flash in the Pan

It was a paradox. They were the best chefs in the world, yet their names were never recorded in the annals of cookery. Their dishes were replete with flavor, creativity, and skill, but they never lasted more than a few minutes on the plate. They used a secret technique that involved a compound of rare ingredients and a precise timing of heat and pressure. The result was a burst of sensation that left the diners speechless but also evaporated in a matter of seconds. They called it a flash in the pan, and it was their signature move. Some critics praised their genius, others accused them of fraud. But no one could deny the allure of their paradoxical cuisine, which had a tinge of mystery and masculinity.

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