James Bond is a fictional British secret service agent created by author Ian Fleming. Also known by his code number, 007, Bond is a suave and sophisticated character featured in a series of novels and films. Known for his exceptional skills in espionage, combat, and charm, James Bond has become an iconic figure in popular culture.
Sample Sentences:
- In the latest novel, James Bond embarks on a daring mission to thwart an international crime syndicate.
- The cinematic portrayal of James Bond by various actors has left an indelible mark on the spy genre.
- James Bond is renowned for his impeccable taste in suits, cars, and gadgets.
- The character’s catchphrase, “Shaken, not stirred,” has become synonymous with James Bond’s refined persona.
- Whether facing a deadly adversary or navigating a high-stakes casino, James Bond remains unflinchingly composed.
- The Bond franchise features a spectrum of iconic villains, each posing a unique challenge for James Bond.
- James Bond’s affinity for high-tech gadgets and ingenious solutions adds an element of intrigue to the stories.
- The allure of espionage and the mystique of secret missions are central themes in every James Bond adventure.
- James Bond’s trademark martini recipe has become a cultural reference in its own right.
- Fans eagerly await the next installment to see how James Bond will outsmart his adversaries and save the day.
Synonyms (English – Indonesian):
- Secret agent – Agen rahasia
- Spy – Mata-mata
- Intelligence operative – Operatif intelijen
- Undercover agent – Agen menyamar
- Espionage expert – Ahli spionase
- Covert operative – Operatif tersembunyi
- Secret operative – Operatif rahasia
- Special agent – Agen khusus
- Secret intelligence officer – Petugas intelijen rahasia
- Sleuth – Detektif
Antonyms (English – Indonesian):
- Public figure – Figur publik
- Open agent – Agen terbuka
- Transparent operative – Operatif transparan
- Known investigator – Penyelidik yang dikenal
- Revealed spy – Mata-mata yang terungkap
- Overt intelligence officer – Petugas intelijen terbuka
- Recognized detective – Detektif yang diakui
- Unhidden undercover agent – Agen menyamar yang tidak tersembunyi
- Public investigator – Penyelidik publik
- Non-secretive operative – Operatif yang tidak rahasia
Derived Words (English – Indonesian):
- Bond-esque (Adjective) – Seperti James Bond
- Bondian (Adjective) – Terkait James Bond
- Bondism (Noun) – Sifat ala James Bond
- Bond-like (Adjective) – Seperti James Bond
Related Words (English – Indonesian):
- Spy thriller – Triller mata-mata
- Secret mission – Misi rahasia
- International intrigue – Intrik internasional
- Casino escapade – Eskapade kasino
- High-stakes adventure – Petualangan berisiko tinggi
Phrasal Verbs (English – Indonesian):
- Thwart an international syndicate – Menggagalkan sindikat internasional
- Navigating a high-stakes scenario – Menavigasi skenario berisiko tinggi
- Outsmart adversaries – Mengalahkan lawan dengan cerdas
- Save the day – Menyelamatkan hari
Common Expressions (English – Indonesian):
- Live a life like James Bond – Hidup seperti James Bond
- Embrace your inner James Bond – Merangkul sisi James Bond dalam dirimu
Related Idioms (English – Indonesian):
- Have a license to kill – Memiliki lisensi untuk membunuh
- Shaken, not stirred – Dikocok, bukan diaduk (mengacu pada minuman martini ala James Bond)