To join means to connect or link together, forming a union or association.
Sample Sentences:
- Students were encouraged to join clubs and extracurricular activities to enrich their school experience.
- Friends decided to join forces to tackle a challenging project together.
- The athlete received an invitation to join the national team for the upcoming championship.
- Citizens were urged to join the community cleanup to enhance the neighborhood.
- Employees were excited to join the company-wide training program for professional development.
- The countries agreed to join efforts in addressing climate change on a global scale.
- Volunteers decided to join hands and contribute to a local charity initiative.
- The aspiring musicians hoped to join a renowned orchestra to showcase their talent.
- Investors were invited to join the groundbreaking startup and be part of its growth.
- The new employee was eager to join the existing team and contribute to their success.
- Unite: menyatukan
- Connect: menghubungkan
- Associate: mengasosiasikan
- Link: menghubungkan
- Combine: menggabungkan
- Collaborate: berkolaborasi
- Team up: bekerja sama
- Cohere: menyatu
- Affiliate: bergabung
- Conjoin: menyatukan
- Separate: memisahkan
- Disconnect: memutuskan
- Disjoin: memisahkan
- Detach: melepaskan
- Break away: melepaskan diri
- Isolate: mengisolasi
- Divide: membagi
- Disband: membubarkan
- Disassociate: tidak berhubungan
- Depart: berpisah
Derived Words:
- Joiner: pemasang, bergabung
- Joining: bergabung, penyambungan
Related Words:
- Connection: koneksi
- Association: asosiasi
- Partnership: kemitraan
- Collaboration: kolaborasi
- Alliance: aliansi
Phrasal Verbs:
- Join in: bergabung dalam
- Join forces: bergabung kekuatan
- Join hands: bergandengan tangan
- Join together: bergabung bersama
Common Expressions:
- Join the club: bergabung dalam kelompok yang sama
- Join the ranks: bergabung dengan yang lain
Related Idioms:
- Many hands make light work: banyak tangan membuat pekerjaan ringan
- United we stand, divided we fall: bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh
- Join the fray: ikut serta dalam pertempuran