Jubilation, like a firework erupting into the night sky, explodes with the vibrant colors of overwhelming joy and triumph. It is a celebration that spills over the banks, a chorus of cheers that echoes through the streets, a dance that transcends steps and becomes a spontaneous expression of pure elation.
Sample Sentences:
- The crowd erupted in jubilation as the last out was struck, marking their team’s historic victory. (Kegembiraan yang meluap-luap)
- The news of the cure spread like wildfire, igniting jubilation in the hearts of those who had long suffered. (Sukacita yang merata)
- The streets throbbed with jubilation as people danced and sang, celebrating the end of a long and oppressive war. (Pesta kemenangan)
- The children squealed with jubilation as they ripped open their presents, reveling in the magic of Christmas morning. (Kegembiraan yang tak terbendung)
- The announcement of the Nobel Prize was met with jubilation in the scientific community, recognizing a lifetime of groundbreaking research. (Kehormatan yang disambut sukacita)
- The bride and groom’s first dance was a graceful expression of jubilation, their love radiating for all to see. (Sukacita yang terpancar)
- The athletes, draped in gold medals, beamed with jubilation, their years of dedication culminating in this crowning moment. (Kemenangan yang dirayakan)
- The concert hall resounded with jubilation as the orchestra concluded its masterpiece, leaving the audience breathless with delight. (Sorak sorai kegembiraan)
- The rescue team’s return after days of searching was met with jubilation, tears of relief mingling with cheers of appreciation. (Kegembiraan karena kegagalan)
- Even in the face of hardship, the human spirit finds ways to spark jubilation, finding beauty in the simplest things and celebrating the gift of life. (Menemukan sukacita di sela-sela kesulitan)
- Exhilaration (Keterpukan)
- Elation (Kebahagiaan yang meluap-luap)
- Rapture (Kegembiraan yang intens)
- Ecstasy (Kegembiraan yang tak terkontrol)
- Euphoria (Sukacita yang berlebihan)
- Glee (Kesenangan yang meluap-luap)
- Festivity (Perayaan)
- Triumph (Kemenangan)
- Delight (Kesenangan)
- Excitement (Kegembiraan)
- Despair (Keputusasaan)
- Grief (Duka)
- Sorrow (Kesedihan)
- Despondency (Kekecewaan)
- Dejection (Kekecewaan yang mendalam)
- Gloom (Kesuraman)
- Apathy (Ketidaktertarikan)
- Indifference (Keadaan acuh tak acuh)
- Melancholy (Kemurungan)
- Boredom (Kebosanan)
Words Derived:
- Jubilant (Penuh sukacita)
- Jubilation (Kegembiraan yang meluap-luap)
Related Words:
- Celebration (Perayaan)
- Festivity (Perayaan)
- Joy (Kesenangan)
- Happiness (Kebahagiaan)
- Excitement (Kegembiraan)
- Euphoria (Sukacita yang berlebihan)
- Triumph (Kemenangan)
- Victory (Kemenangan)
- Delight (Kesenangan)
- Elation (Kebahagiaan yang meluap-luap)
Phrasal Verbs:
- Jump for joy (Meloncat-loncat kegirangan)
- Shout for joy (Bersorak kegirangan)
- Be over the moon (Sangat gembira)
- Beam with joy (Berseri-seri karena gembira)
- Celebrate with gusto (Merayakan dengan semangat)
Common Expressions:
- A jubilant mood (Suasana yang penuh sukacita)
- Jubilant cheers (Sorak sorai kegembiraan)
- A scene of jubilation (Pemandangan yang penuh sukacita)
- Cry out in jubilation (Berteriak kegirangan)
- Share in the jubilation (Ikut merasakan sukacita