

Jubilation, like a firework erupting into the night sky, explodes with the vibrant colors of overwhelming joy and triumph. It is a celebration that spills over the banks, a chorus of cheers that echoes through the streets, a dance that transcends steps and becomes a spontaneous expression of pure elation.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The crowd erupted in jubilation as the last out was struck, marking their team’s historic victory. (Kegembiraan yang meluap-luap)
  2. The news of the cure spread like wildfire, igniting jubilation in the hearts of those who had long suffered. (Sukacita yang merata)
  3. The streets throbbed with jubilation as people danced and sang, celebrating the end of a long and oppressive war. (Pesta kemenangan)
  4. The children squealed with jubilation as they ripped open their presents, reveling in the magic of Christmas morning. (Kegembiraan yang tak terbendung)
  5. The announcement of the Nobel Prize was met with jubilation in the scientific community, recognizing a lifetime of groundbreaking research. (Kehormatan yang disambut sukacita)
  6. The bride and groom’s first dance was a graceful expression of jubilation, their love radiating for all to see. (Sukacita yang terpancar)
  7. The athletes, draped in gold medals, beamed with jubilation, their years of dedication culminating in this crowning moment. (Kemenangan yang dirayakan)
  8. The concert hall resounded with jubilation as the orchestra concluded its masterpiece, leaving the audience breathless with delight. (Sorak sorai kegembiraan)
  9. The rescue team’s return after days of searching was met with jubilation, tears of relief mingling with cheers of appreciation. (Kegembiraan karena kegagalan)
  10. Even in the face of hardship, the human spirit finds ways to spark jubilation, finding beauty in the simplest things and celebrating the gift of life. (Menemukan sukacita di sela-sela kesulitan)


  • Exhilaration (Keterpukan)
  • Elation (Kebahagiaan yang meluap-luap)
  • Rapture (Kegembiraan yang intens)
  • Ecstasy (Kegembiraan yang tak terkontrol)
  • Euphoria (Sukacita yang berlebihan)
  • Glee (Kesenangan yang meluap-luap)
  • Festivity (Perayaan)
  • Triumph (Kemenangan)
  • Delight (Kesenangan)
  • Excitement (Kegembiraan)


  • Despair (Keputusasaan)
  • Grief (Duka)
  • Sorrow (Kesedihan)
  • Despondency (Kekecewaan)
  • Dejection (Kekecewaan yang mendalam)
  • Gloom (Kesuraman)
  • Apathy (Ketidaktertarikan)
  • Indifference (Keadaan acuh tak acuh)
  • Melancholy (Kemurungan)
  • Boredom (Kebosanan)

Words Derived:

  • Jubilant (Penuh sukacita)
  • Jubilation (Kegembiraan yang meluap-luap)

Related Words:

  • Celebration (Perayaan)
  • Festivity (Perayaan)
  • Joy (Kesenangan)
  • Happiness (Kebahagiaan)
  • Excitement (Kegembiraan)
  • Euphoria (Sukacita yang berlebihan)
  • Triumph (Kemenangan)
  • Victory (Kemenangan)
  • Delight (Kesenangan)
  • Elation (Kebahagiaan yang meluap-luap)

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Jump for joy (Meloncat-loncat kegirangan)
  • Shout for joy (Bersorak kegirangan)
  • Be over the moon (Sangat gembira)
  • Beam with joy (Berseri-seri karena gembira)
  • Celebrate with gusto (Merayakan dengan semangat)

Common Expressions:

  • A jubilant mood (Suasana yang penuh sukacita)
  • Jubilant cheers (Sorak sorai kegembiraan)
  • A scene of jubilation (Pemandangan yang penuh sukacita)
  • Cry out in jubilation (Berteriak kegirangan)
  • Share in the jubilation (Ikut merasakan sukacita

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