

Juxtaposition is a literary or artistic technique that involves placing two or more elements, often contrasting or opposing, side by side for the purpose of highlighting their differences or creating a thought-provoking comparison. It is a powerful tool that draws attention to the nuances and contrasts between the juxtaposed elements.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The photograph captured the beauty of nature through the juxtaposition of a vibrant sunset and a serene mountain landscape.
  2. In literature, the author often employs juxtaposition to underscore the dichotomy between the protagonist’s dreams and the harsh reality they face.
  3. The artist skillfully created a painting that explored the juxtaposition of urban life and nature.
  4. The film director used juxtaposition to convey the emotional impact of a joyful scene followed by a sudden tragedy.
  5. The political cartoon employed juxtaposition to satirize the stark differences between the two political candidates.
  6. The museum exhibition featured a powerful juxtaposition of ancient artifacts and modern technology.
  7. In architecture, the juxtaposition of traditional and contemporary elements creates a visually striking building.
  8. The writer utilized juxtaposition to emphasize the contrast between the opulence of the palace and the poverty of the surrounding villages.
  9. The fashion designer’s collection showcased a bold juxtaposition of bold colors and muted tones.
  10. The comedian’s routine relied on the clever juxtaposition of everyday situations and absurd scenarios.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Contrast: Kontras
  • Comparison: Perbandingan
  • Parallel: Paralel
  • Contrariety: Kontrari
  • Opposition: Oposisi
  • Divergence: Divergensi
  • Disparity: Disparitas
  • Distinction: Distinksi
  • Conflict: Konflik
  • Variety: Varietas

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Harmony: Harmoni
  • Agreement: Persetujuan
  • Consistency: Konsistensi
  • Similarity: Kesamaan
  • Uniformity: Keseragaman
  • Homogeneity: Homogenitas
  • Similitude: Kemiripan
  • Concord: Keselarasan
  • Accord: Persetujuan
  • Conformity: Kesesuaian

Words Derived from “Juxtaposition” and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Juxtapose: Menempatkan berdampingan
  • Juxtaposed: Ditempatkan berdampingan

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Contrast: Kontras
  • Parallelism: Paralelisme
  • Counterpoint: Kontrapoin
  • Dichotomy: Dikotomi
  • Comparison: Perbandingan
  • Relationship: Hubungan
  • Association: Asosiasi
  • Interaction: Interaksi
  • Combination: Kombinasi
  • Balance: Keseimbangan

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Set against: Ditempatkan berlawanan
  • Put side by side: Menempatkan berdampingan
  • Place in opposition: Menempatkan dalam oposisi
  • Compare and contrast: Membandingkan dan mengontraskan

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Side by side: Berdampingan
  • In comparison with: Dibandingkan dengan
  • On the one hand, on the other hand: Di satu sisi, di sisi lain
  • Draw a distinction: Menarik perbedaan

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Apples and oranges: Membandingkan dua hal yang sangat berbeda
  • Chalk and cheese: Sangat berbeda satu sama lain
  • Black and white: Dalam istilah yang sangat jelas atau mudah dimengerti
  • Oil and water: Dua hal atau orang yang tidak bisa berbaur atau bekerja bersama.

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