“Keep a stiff upper lip” is an idiomatic expression that means to remain brave, composed, and resilient in the face of adversity or difficult situations. It implies maintaining a calm and unemotional demeanor, regardless of the challenges one may encounter.
Sample sentences using “Keep a stiff upper lip”:
- Despite the loss, she kept a stiff upper lip and continued to lead her team.
- He was devastated by the news, but he tried to keep a stiff upper lip in front of his family.
- The soldier showed great courage and kept a stiff upper lip during the battle.
- Even though she was nervous, she kept a stiff upper lip and delivered her speech flawlessly.
- In times of crisis, it’s important to keep a stiff upper lip and stay focused on finding a solution.
- He faced criticism with grace and kept a stiff upper lip throughout the ordeal.
- Despite the pain, he kept a stiff upper lip and finished the marathon.
- The students were disappointed by the results, but they kept a stiff upper lip and vowed to work harder.
- She tried to keep a stiff upper lip as she said goodbye to her loved ones at the airport.
- The team captain encouraged his players to keep a stiff upper lip and never give up.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Remain brave: Tetap berani
- Stay composed: Tetap tenang
- Show resilience: Menunjukkan ketahanan
- Keep one’s chin up: Tetap tegar
- Stay strong: Tetap kuat
- Show fortitude: Menunjukkan ketabahan
- Be stoic: Bersikap stoik
- Maintain composure: Menjaga ketenangan
- Have a stiff upper lip: Memiliki sikap tegar
- Display courage: Menunjukkan keberanian
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Break down: Runtuh
- Fall apart: Hancur
- Lose composure: Kehilangan ketenangan
- Show vulnerability: Menunjukkan kerentanan
- Succumb to emotions: Tunduk pada emosi
- Give in to despair: Menyerah pada keputusasaan
- Be overwhelmed: Terlalu kewalahan
- Show weakness: Menunjukkan kelemahan
- Be disheartened: Merasa putus asa
- Lose one’s nerve: Kehilangan keberanian
Derived Words (Kata Turunan):
- Stiffly (Adverb): Dengan kaku
- Stiffness (Noun): Kekakuan
- Stiff-upper-lipped (Adjective): Memiliki sikap tegar
- Stiffness (Noun): Kekakuan
- Lip (Noun): Bibir
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Resilience (Noun): Ketahanan
- Composure (Noun): Ketenangan
- Courage (Noun): Keberanian
- Bravery (Noun): Kebahagiaan
- Fortitude (Noun): Ketabahan
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Verba Terkait):
- Keep up appearances: Menjaga penampilan
- Keep a straight face: Menjaga wajah serius
- Keep one’s cool: Menjaga ketenangan
- Keep one’s emotions in check: Menjaga emosi
- Keep one’s spirits up: Menjaga semangat
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum Terkait):
- Stay strong: Tetap kuat
- Don’t let it get to you: Jangan biarkan hal itu mempengaruhimu
- Stay calm: Tetap tenang
- Don’t lose hope: Jangan kehilangan harapan
- Keep your head held high: Peganglah kepalamu tinggi
Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):
- Bite the bullet: Menerima sesuatu yang sulit dengan berani
- Face the music: Menghadapi konsekuensi dari tindakan seseorang
- Keep one’s chin up: Tetap tegar dan optimis
- Weather the storm: Menghadapi masa sulit dengan ketabahan
- Keep one’s head above water: Bertahan dalam situasi sulit
Note: The translations provided for Indonesian equivalents are approximate and may have variations in usage.