Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate towards others, often expressed through compassionate actions and benevolent gestures. It involves showing empathy, understanding, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on someone’s life.
Sample Sentences:
- The teacher emphasized the importance of kindness in building a supportive classroom environment.
- A simple act of kindness, such as holding the door open, can brighten someone’s day.
- The community rallied together to spread messages of kindness during difficult times.
- Showing kindness to strangers fosters a sense of unity and connection in society.
- The elderly couple’s long-lasting marriage was a testament to the power of love and kindness.
- In times of crisis, people often display acts of extraordinary kindness towards one another.
- Acts of kindness create a positive ripple effect, inspiring others to pay it forward.
- The workplace culture prioritized collaboration and kindness among team members.
- The organization’s mission was to promote acts of kindness and generosity worldwide.
- Demonstrating kindness to oneself is just as important as extending it to others.
- Benevolence (Kebajikan)
- Compassion (Belas kasihan)
- Generosity (Kemurahan hati)
- Friendliness (Kesopanan)
- Goodwill (Kesantunan)
- Warmth (Kelembutan)
- Consideration (Pertimbangan)
- Sympathy (Simpati)
- Humanity (Kemanusiaan)
- Amiability (Keramahan)
- Cruelty (Kekejaman)
- Hostility (Hostilitas)
- Rudeness (Ketidakramahan)
- Indifference (Ketidakpedulian)
- Coldness (Ketidakhangatan)
- Harshness (Kekejaman)
- Selfishness (Egoisme)
- Callousness (Ketidakpedulian)
- Inhumanity (Kekemanusiaan)
- Unkindness (Ketidakbaikan hati)
Derived Words:
- Kind (Baik)
- Kindhearted (Baik hati)
- Kindliness (Kelembutan)
- Unkind (Tidak baik)
Related Words:
- Acts of kindness (Tindakan kebaikan)
- Kindheartedness (Kebaikan hati)
- Kindred spirit (Semangat sejati)
- Kindred soul (Jiwa sejati)
- Kindred personality (Kepribadian sejati)
Phrasal Verbs:
- Show kindness (Menunjukkan kebaikan)
- Spread kindness (Menyebarkan kebaikan)
- Practice kindness (Mengamalkan kebaikan)
- Extend kindness (Memberikan kebaikan)
Common Expressions:
- Random acts of kindness (Tindakan kebaikan secara acak)
- Be kind to one another (Berbuat baik satu sama lain)
- Kindness matters (Kebaikan itu penting)
- Kindness goes a long way (Kebaikan membawa dampak besar)
Related Idioms:
- Kill them with kindness (Membuat mereka menyesal dengan kebaikan)
- Throw kindness around like confetti (Menyebar kebaikan seperti confetti)