
“Kvetching” refers to the act of complaining, grumbling, or whining in a persistent and often annoying manner. It involves voicing grievances or dissatisfaction with a particular situation, often in a repetitive and exaggerated tone. “Kvetching” can be characterized by a tendency to focus on negative aspects and trivial matters, sometimes without offering constructive solutions. This term is commonly used in Yiddish and has been adopted into English to describe this kind of behavior.

To kvetch is to paint the world grey with your woes, a symphony of grumbles and groans that leaves listeners feeling like they’ve stumbled into a dusty attic filled with forgotten frustrations. It’s not a scream, but a low, simmering discontent, a perpetual drizzle of complaints that dampens joy and drowns out optimism. Imagine a broken record stuck on the “everything is terrible” track, that’s the kvetch in its purest form. But kvetching isn’t just negativity; it’s a cultural dance, a shared language of minor annoyances and petty frustrations that binds communities together through shared commiseration. So, the next time you hear a good kvetch, don’t reach for the earplugs, just grab a cup of tea and settle in for a front-row seat to the theatre of the mundane.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Grandma kvetching about the price of avocados became a nightly ritual. (Nenek mengeluh tentang harga alpukat)
  2. The politician’s kvetching about his opponent’s haircut fell on deaf ears. (Keluhan politisi tentang potongan rambut lawannya tidak dihiraukan)
  3. The traffic jam had everyone kvetching under their breath. (Kemacetan membuat semua orang menggerutu)
  4. After a long day, she just wanted to kvetch about her boss and unwind. (Setelah seharian bekerja, dia hanya ingin mengeluh tentang bosnya dan bersantai)
  5. The news was full of so much negativity, it made me kvetch just to watch it. (Berita penuh dengan hal-hal negatif, membuat saya mengeluh hanya dengan menontonnya)
  6. He kvetchted about the broken remote for weeks before finally replacing it. (Dia mengeluh tentang remote TV yang rusak selama berminggu-minggu sebelum akhirnya menggantinya)
  7. Her constant kvetching about her diet wore down her friends’ patience. (Keluhannya yang terus-menerus tentang dietnya membuat kesabaran teman-temannya menipis)
  8. The meeting was a cacophony of kvetching about budget cuts and deadlines. (Rapat itu penuh dengan keluhan tentang pemotongan anggaran dan tenggat waktu)
  9. The comedian’s routine was a hilarious send-up of our national habit of kvetching. (Rutinitas komedian itu adalah cara lucu untuk mengejek kebiasaan nasional kita dalam mengeluh)
  10. Sometimes, a little kvetching can be a healthy way to release tension and bond with others. (Kadang-kadang, sedikit keluhan bisa menjadi cara yang sehat untuk melepaskan ketegangan dan menjalin ikatan dengan orang lain)

Synonyms (Indonesian Equivalent):

  • Complain (Mengomel)
  • Grumble (Menggerutu)
  • Moan (Mengeluh)
  • Whine (Merengek)
  • Grouch (Mengeluh-eluh)
  • Bellyache (Menyesal)

Antonyms (Indonesian Equivalent):

  • Praise (Memuji)
  • Compliment (Memberi pujian)
  • Be optimistic (Optimis)
  • Be cheerful (Riang gembira)
  • Be content (Puas)

Words Derived:

  • Kvetcher (Pengomel)

Related Words:

  • Negativity (Kenegatifan)
  • Frustration (Kekecewaan)
  • Dissatisfaction (Ketidakpuasan)
  • Misery (Penderitaan)
  • Melancholy (Melankolis)

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Get something off your chest (Mengungkapkan keluhan)
  • Blow off steam (Melampiaskan kekecewaan)
  • Let off steam (Meluapkan ketegangan)
  • Harp on something (Terus-menerus mengeluh tentang sesuatu)
  • Make a big deal out of something (Membesarkan masalah)

Common Expressions:

  • A chronic kvetch (Orang yang suka mengeluh)
  • Kvetching about the weather (Mengomel tentang cuaca)
  • Life’s a kvetch (Hidup itu penuh keluhan)
  • Don’t kvetch, just fix it (Jangan mengeluh, perbaiki saja)
  • A good kvetch can be cathartic (Mengomel bisa menjadi pelepasan ketegangan)

Related Idioms:

  • Cry wolf (Sering berbohong tentang masalah)
  • Make a mountain out of a molehill (Membesarkan masalah kecil)
  • Spit nails (Marah besar)
  • Be down in the dumps (Sedih)
  • **See
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