The word lallygag (also spelled lallygagging) refers to spending time aimlessly or idly, typically engaging in activities that are frivolous or without purpose. It’s often used to describe someone who is procrastinating or not taking things seriously, usually in a relaxed or lazy manner. Below are sentences and explanations highlighting the word lallygag:
- Stop lallygagging and help me clean up the kitchen before the guests arrive.
- The children were lallygagging outside, running around without any real direction or purpose.
- We can’t afford to lallygag on this project; we need to finish it by the end of the week.
- He tends to lallygag when there’s work to do, but when it comes to fun, he’s always the first one ready.
- She spent the whole afternoon lallygagging at the café, chatting with friends instead of tackling her to-do list.
- The team was lallygagging in the locker room before the match, and it affected their performance.
- He was told not to lallygag on the way to school, as he was always late.
- Instead of focusing on the task at hand, they were lallygagging during the meeting, making jokes and not contributing.
- We don’t have time to lallygag; we need to get moving if we’re going to catch the train.
- The boss noticed that some employees were lallygagging during work hours, so he reminded everyone to stay focused.
- Linger
- Dawdle
- Procrastinate
- Fritter away time
- Waste time
- Stall
- Idle
- Loaf
- Hang around
- Hustle
- Hurry
- Work hard
- Get to work
- Be productive
- Focus
- Rush
Related Words:
- Procrastination
- Delay
- Laziness
- Idleness
- Inactivity
- Sluggishness
Phrasal Verbs:
- Drag one’s feet: To act slowly or reluctantly, often to avoid something or out of laziness.
- Sit around: To do nothing or waste time, similar to lallygagging.
- Mope around: To move slowly and listlessly, often because of boredom or indecision.
Idiomatic Expressions:
- Beat around the bush: To avoid getting to the point or taking direct action, similar to lallygagging.
- Mess around: To engage in frivolous or aimless activities instead of focusing on something important.
- Take one’s sweet time: To move or act at a leisurely pace, often implying a lack of urgency or purpose.
- Hang out: To spend time idly or without a specific purpose, often used in the context of socializing.
To lallygag means to waste time idly, often in a carefree or lazy manner. It suggests procrastination, delaying action, or avoiding responsibility, typically in a relaxed, nonchalant way. Lallygagging can be playful in certain contexts, but it often has negative connotations when it interferes with productivity or progress.