

“Landlocked” refers to a geographical location or a country that is entirely surrounded by land and has no coastlines or direct access to the sea or ocean. Landlocked countries often face challenges related to trade, transportation, and economic development, as they depend on neighboring countries for access to maritime routes.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The landlocked nation sought diplomatic agreements to access coastal ports for trade.
  2. Being landlocked, the country relies on overland transport for importing and exporting goods.
  3. Landlocked regions can face economic constraints due to limited access to international waters.
  4. The landlocked state invested in efficient rail and road networks to facilitate commerce.
  5. The landlocked nature of the country necessitates strong diplomatic ties for maritime access.
  6. Despite being landlocked, the nation developed a thriving economy through strategic partnerships.
  7. The landlocked city became a hub for transportation and logistics to compensate for its lack of coastline.
  8. Landlocked countries often collaborate on regional initiatives to overcome maritime challenges.
  9. Geopolitical negotiations aimed to alleviate the economic constraints of being landlocked.
  10. The landlocked region explored alternative routes for international trade to diversify its options.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Inland: Pedalaman
  • Interior: Bagian dalam
  • Enclosed: Tertutup
  • Surrounded by land: Dikelilingi oleh daratan
  • Without coastline: Tanpa garis pantai
  • Interior: Bagian dalam
  • Central: Pusat
  • Inner: Dalam
  • Continental: Benua
  • Internal: Internal

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Coastal: Pesisir
  • Maritime: Maritim
  • Seaboard: Pantai laut
  • Oceanic: Lautan
  • Seaside: Tepi laut
  • Seaward: Ke arah laut
  • Coastal: Pesisir
  • Seagoing: Melaut
  • Aquatic: Air
  • Oceanfront: Bagian depan laut

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Landlockedness: Kondisi terkurung daratan

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Geopolitics: Geopolitik
  • Transportation hub: Pusat transportasi
  • Economic constraints: Kendala ekonomi
  • Overland transport: Transportasi darat
  • Diplomatic ties: Hubungan diplomatik
  • Economic challenges: Tantangan ekonomi
  • Regional cooperation: Kerjasama regional
  • Strategic partnerships: Kemitraan strategis
  • Alternative routes: Rute alternatif
  • International trade: Perdagangan internasional

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Seek maritime access: Mencari akses maritim
  • Invest in infrastructure: Berinvestasi dalam infrastruktur
  • Develop economic ties: Mengembangkan hubungan ekonomi
  • Collaborate on initiatives: Berkolaborasi dalam inisiatif
  • Explore alternative routes: Menjelajahi rute alternatif

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Landlocked country: Negara terkurung daratan
  • Inland nation: Negara pedalaman
  • Geographical constraints: Kendala geografis
  • Overcome maritime challenges: Mengatasi tantangan maritim
  • Regional collaboration: Kolaborasi regional

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Between a rock and a hard place: Diantara dua kesulitan
  • In a tight spot: Dalam posisi sulit
  • In the middle of nowhere: Di tengah-tengah tidak ada apa-apa
  • Behind the eight ball: Dalam posisi sulit
  • Painted into a corner: Dibatasi atau terjebak

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