“Lay up” is a phrasal verb with multiple meanings. It can mean to store or set aside something for future use, to cause distress or trouble, or to be unable to work or perform duties due to illness or injury.
Sample Sentences:
- After the harvest, farmers diligently lay up supplies for the upcoming winter.
- The ship’s crew worked together to lay up enough provisions for the long ocean voyage.
- Chronic stress can lay up problems for one’s mental and physical health.
- The sailor decided to lay up his boat during the storm to avoid potential damage.
- The doctor advised the athlete to take a break and lay up for a few days to recover from the injury.
- Being financially responsible, she would always lay up some money for unexpected expenses.
- The chef suggested using airtight containers to lay up leftovers in the fridge.
- A sudden illness can unexpectedly lay up even the most active individuals.
- The car enthusiast chose to lay up his vintage car during the harsh winter months.
- Persistent bad weather forced the outdoor event organizers to lay up contingency plans.
- Store – Menyimpan
- Preserve – Menyimpan
- Stockpile – Menimbun
- Accumulate – Mengumpulkan
- Hoard – Menyimpan
- Amass – Mengumpulkan
- Set aside – Menyisihkan
- Save – Menyimpan
- Conserve – Melestarikan
- Resrve – Mereservasi
- Consume – Mengonsumsi
- Deplete – Mengurangi
- Use up – Menghabiskan
- Exhaust – Menguras
- Spend – Menghabiskan
- Dissipate – Membuang
- Waste – Membuang
- Squander – Memboroskan
- Drain – Mengeringkan
- Use – Menggunakan
Derived Words:
- Layup – Penyimpanan (in basketball, a shot made near the basket)
Related Words:
- Storage – Penyimpanan
- Reserve – Cadangan
- Stash – Tempat menyimpan rahasia
- Hibernation – Hibernal
- Preservation – Pelestarian
Phrasal Verbs:
- Lay up for – Menyisihkan untuk
- Lay up with – Berteduh di
- Lay up against – Menyimpan sebagai cadangan untuk menghadapi sesuatu
- Lay up in – Menyimpan di
Common Expressions:
- Lay up for a rainy day – Menyisihkan untuk masa sulit
- Lay up trouble – Menyimpan masalah
- Lay up memories – Menyimpan kenangan
- Lay up provisions – Menyimpan persediaan
Related Idioms:
- Don’t lay up treasures on earth – Jangan menyimpan harta di dunia
- Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven – Menyimpan harta di surga
- Lay up a storm – Menyusun sesuatu dengan cepat
- Lay up in lavender – Menyimpan di tempat yang aman