“Leave someone to their own devices” is an idiomatic expression that means to allow someone to manage or deal with a situation on their own, without assistance or interference. It often implies that the person is left to make their own decisions or solve their problems without help from others. The phrase can carry both positive and negative connotations, depending on the context. In a positive sense, it may mean giving someone the freedom to handle a situation independently. In a negative sense, it may suggest neglect or abandonment, where someone is left to struggle alone without support.
Sample Sentences:
- After offering some advice, she decided to leave him to his own devices and let him figure things out.
- When the project team couldn’t agree on a solution, the manager left them to their own devices to find a way forward.
- He was left to his own devices in the wilderness, relying on his survival skills to make it out.
- The teacher left the students to their own devices during the free time, allowing them to choose their activities.
- Her parents left her to her own devices, trusting that she could handle her studies without much oversight.
- The team was struggling with the decision, but the coach left them to their own devices and hoped they would figure it out.
- He was used to being left to his own devices, preferring independence over constant supervision.
- When they moved into their new home, they decided to leave the children to their own devices for a while to settle in.
- After the long meeting, the supervisor left the staff to their own devices to finish the project by the deadline.
- She reluctantly left him to his own devices, hoping he would make the right choices without needing her constant guidance.
- Leave to manage alone
- Leave to handle things on their own
- Let be
- Leave in peace
- Let someone figure it out
- Give someone space
- Let someone take care of things
- Leave without interference
- Allow independence
- Let someone go their own way
- Supervise
- Assist
- Help out
- Guide
- Support
- Intervene
- Provide assistance
- Offer direction
- Give advice
- Step in
Phrasal Verbs:
- Leave someone to it (to allow someone to manage a task or situation on their own)
- Let someone be (to allow someone to do something independently)
- Step back (to withdraw and allow someone to handle things on their own)
- Let go (to stop controlling or intervening in someone’s actions)
- Stay out of (to avoid involving oneself in someone’s decisions or actions)
Idiomatic Expressions:
- Let someone figure it out (to leave someone to solve a problem on their own)
- Give someone the freedom to roam (to allow someone to act independently)
- Leave well enough alone (to stop interfering when things are already satisfactory)
- Give someone a free hand (to allow someone to do as they wish without interference)
- Let someone stand on their own two feet (to allow someone to be independent and manage on their own)
- Cut the apron strings (to stop providing constant care or support to someone, especially a child)
- Take the reins (to take control, often by stepping in to help or guide someone)
- Leave to their own devices (to allow someone to make decisions or manage on their own, sometimes implying neglect)
- Let the chips fall where they may (to allow something to unfold without interference or control)
- Let someone run the show (to allow someone to take full control of a situation)