

The term “leguminous” is an adjective that describes plants belonging to the legume family, Fabaceae. Leguminous plants are characterized by their ability to produce pods that contain seeds, known as legumes. These plants have a unique symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which allows them to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be used by plants. Leguminous plants play a crucial role in agriculture and ecology due to their ability to enrich the soil with nitrogen. Here are 10 sample sentences using the word “leguminous”:

  1. Soybeans and peas are examples of leguminous crops.
  2. The farmer planted leguminous cover crops to improve soil fertility.
  3. Leguminous plants are an excellent source of plant-based protein.
  4. The roots of leguminous plants form nodules that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
  5. Leguminous trees provide shade and enrich the soil in agroforestry systems.
  6. The leguminous flowers attracted bees and other pollinators to the garden.
  7. Leguminous forage crops are commonly used in livestock feed.
  8. Leguminous plants are known for their ability to improve soil health.
  9. The farmer rotated leguminous crops with cereal crops to enhance soil fertility.
  10. Leguminous plants are an essential component of sustainable agriculture practices.

Here are the lists of synonyms, antonyms, words derived from “leguminous,” related words, phrasal verbs, common expressions, and related idioms, along with their Indonesian equivalents:


  • Bean-bearing: Menghasilkan kacang
  • Legume-producing: Menghasilkan polong
  • Fabaceous: Fabaceae
  • Pea-like: Seperti kacang polong
  • Pod-bearing: Menghasilkan polong
  • Pulses: Kacang-kacangan
  • Bean-like: Seperti kacang
  • Leguminose: Leguminosa
  • Legume-rich: Kaya akan polong
  • Legume-filled: Penuh dengan polong


  • Non-leguminous: Bukan leguminosa
  • Non-pod-bearing: Tidak menghasilkan polong
  • Non-bean-bearing: Tidak menghasilkan kacang
  • Non-pulse: Bukan kacang-kacangan
  • Non-legume-producing: Tidak menghasilkan polong
  • Non-fabaceous: Bukan Fabaceae
  • Non-pea-like: Tidak seperti kacang polong
  • Non-bean-like: Tidak seperti kacang
  • Non-legume-rich: Tidak kaya akan polong
  • Non-legume-filled: Tidak penuh dengan polong

Words derived from “leguminous”:

  • Leguminology: Leguminologi
  • Leguminist: Leguminis
  • Leguminaceous: Leguminasi
  • Leguminize: Melakukan leguminasi
  • Leguminarian: Leguminarian
  • Leguminology: Leguminologi
  • Leguminist: Leguminis
  • Leguminaceous: Leguminasi
  • Leguminize: Melakukan leguminasi
  • Leguminarian: Leguminarian

Related words:

  • Legume: Polong
  • Nitrogen fixation: Fiksasi nitrogen
  • Symbiotic relationship: Hubungan simbiotik
  • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria: Bakteri fiksasi nitrogen
  • Soil fertility: Kesuburan tanah
  • Crop rotation: Rotasi tanaman
  • Agroforestry: Agroforestri
  • Forage crops: Tanaman pakan ternak
  • Plant-based protein: Protein nabati
  • Sustainable agriculture: Pertanian berkelanjutan

Phrasal verbs related to “leguminous”:

  • Fix nitrogen: Memperbaiki nitrogen
  • Enrich the soil: Memperkaya tanah
  • Rotate crops: Melakukan rotasi tanaman
  • Improve soil fertility: Meningkatkan kesuburan tanah
  • Enhance nitrogen availability: Meningkatkan ketersediaan nitrogen
  • Promote nitrogen fixation: Mendorong fiksasi nitrogen
  • Increase legume production: Meningkatkan produksi legum
  • Foster symbiotic relationships: Membangun hubungan simbiotik
  • Boost plant growth: Meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman
  • Support sustainable agriculture: Mendukung pertanian berkelanjutan

Common expressions related to “leguminous”:

  • Nitrogen-fixing plants: Tanaman fiksasi nitrogen
  • Legume cover crops: Tanaman penutup tanah polong
  • Legume-rich diet: Diet kaya polong
  • Legume-based protein: Protein berbasis polong
  • Legume nodules: Nodul polong
  • Legume family: Keluarga polong
  • Legume rotation: Rotasi polong
  • Legume farming: Pertanian polong
  • Legume diversity: Keanekaragaman polong
  • Legume forage: Pakan ternak polong

Related idioms:

  • Planting seeds for the future: Menanam benih untuk masa depan
  • Fertile ground: Tanah yang subur
  • Nurturing the soil: Merawat tanah
  • Growing together: Tumbuh bersama
  • Sowing the seeds of success: Menabur benih kesuksesan

Please note that the Indonesian equivalents provided are approximate translations and may have variations in usage.

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