The word lessen means to reduce in size, amount, degree, or intensity. It is often used when referring to minimizing problems, stress, pain, or any form of negative experience. It can also relate to making something less significant, severe, or important over time. Lessen emphasizes a process of gradual decrease or mitigation.
Ten Sentences Using “Lessen”
- Taking breaks during work can help lessen mental fatigue.
- He exercised regularly to lessen his risk of heart disease.
- Meditation is known to lessen stress and improve focus.
- The company introduced safety measures to lessen the chances of workplace accidents.
- A good apology can lessen the tension in an argument.
- The doctor gave her medication to lessen the intensity of her pain.
- Installing a security system can lessen the risk of burglary.
- The parents tried to lessen their child’s fears about the upcoming test.
- Reducing sugar intake can lessen the effects of diabetes.
- He spoke calmly to lessen her anxiety about the difficult situation.
Synonyms for “Lessen”
- Reduce
- Diminish
- Decrease
- Alleviate
- Lower
- Mitigate
- Minimize
- Ease
- Shrink
- Lighten
- Subside
- Moderate
Antonyms for “Lessen”
- Increase
- Amplify
- Intensify
- Heighten
- Magnify
- Exacerbate
- Boost
- Aggravate
- Expand
- Escalate
Phrasal Verbs for “Lessen”
- Ease off (to gradually reduce pressure, intensity, or pain)
- Cut down on (to reduce the amount of something)
- Tone down (to make something less intense or severe)
- Scale back (to reduce in size or amount)
- Wind down (to gradually reduce activity or intensity)
- Take the edge off (to lessen the severity or intensity of something)
Idiomatic Expressions for “Lessen”
- Take the sting out of something: To reduce the emotional or physical pain of a situation.
- Lighten the load: To reduce burdens or pressures.
- Cut something to size: To lessen something to a more appropriate level or amount.
- Make a dent in: To reduce or lessen part of a large problem or task.
- Soften the blow: To lessen the negative impact of bad news or a difficult situation.
- Put things in perspective: To lessen someone’s concerns by offering a broader viewpoint.
- Ease up on: To reduce intensity, pressure, or demands on someone.