The terms lewd and lascivious are often used together to describe behavior, actions, or language that are indecent, sexually suggestive, or offensive. These words are typically associated with inappropriate or explicit conduct that crosses moral or legal boundaries, particularly in cases of sexual misconduct. Lewd emphasizes crude or vulgar behavior, while lascivious carries a tone of strong sexual desire, often to an inappropriate extent. Together, the phrase “lewd and lascivious” is frequently used in legal contexts, such as charges involving indecent acts or sexually inappropriate behavior.
Example Sentences Using Lewd and Lascivious:
- The suspect was arrested for engaging in lewd and lascivious behavior in a public place.
- His lewd and lascivious remarks made everyone in the office feel uncomfortable.
- The court found him guilty of lewd and lascivious conduct toward minors.
- She accused her coworker of making lewd and lascivious gestures during the meeting.
- The movie was criticized for its lewd and lascivious scenes, which were deemed inappropriate.
- Witnesses reported that he engaged in lewd and lascivious acts during the festival.
- The performer’s lewd and lascivious jokes pushed the boundaries of acceptable humor.
- Laws prohibit any form of lewd and lascivious behavior, especially near schools or playgrounds.
- His lewd and lascivious actions resulted in disciplinary action from his employer.
- The novel’s lewd and lascivious content caused controversy among readers and critics alike.
Synonyms for Lewd and Lascivious:
- Indecent
- Obscene
- Vulgar
- Crude
- Salacious
- Lascivious (on its own)
- Licentious
- Dirty
- Immoral
- Scandalous
Antonyms for Lewd and Lascivious:
- Decent
- Wholesome
- Moral
- Virtuous
- Modest
- Innocent
- Respectable
- Upright
- Proper
- Clean
Related Words:
- Indecency
- Inappropriate
- Improper
- Erotic
- Risqué
- Unseemly
- Suggestive
- Lustful
- Perverse
- Sexual misconduct
Phrasal Verbs:
- Act out (e.g., He acted out in lewd and lascivious ways at the party.)
- Cross the line (e.g., Her comments crossed the line into lewd and lascivious territory.)
- Get carried away (e.g., He got carried away and behaved in a lewd and lascivious manner.)
- Turn into (e.g., The innocent conversation turned into something lewd and lascivious.)
Idiomatic Expressions:
- “Cross the line” (behavior that goes from acceptable to inappropriate)
- “Out of bounds” (behavior considered unacceptable or offensive)
- “Pushing the envelope” (challenging societal boundaries, often indecently)
- “Making indecent advances” (engaging in improper or sexual behavior)
- “Dirty deeds” (actions of a morally inappropriate or sexual nature)