

A “libretto” is a noun referring to the text or script of an opera, operetta, or musical, containing the lyrics of the songs, dialogue, and stage directions. It serves as the foundation for the performance, providing the narrative structure and poetic expression that complements the music. The libretto is essential for conveying the storyline, character interactions, and emotional nuances to the audience, allowing performers to synchronize their vocal and dramatic interpretations with the musical score.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The composer collaborated with a skilled writer to craft a captivating libretto for the new opera.
  2. The soprano studied the libretto meticulously to capture the essence of her character’s emotions.
  3. The libretto beautifully conveyed the tragic love story, evoking powerful emotions from the audience.
  4. The director focused on bringing the characters to life, emphasizing the importance of understanding the libretto.
  5. The libretto’s poetic language added depth and meaning to the musical composition.
  6. During rehearsals, the actors practiced not only their vocal parts but also the dramatic elements of the libretto.
  7. The libretto provided a strong foundation for the set design, guiding the visual representation of the story.
  8. Composers often draw inspiration from classic literature when creating a libretto.
  9. The translation of the libretto into different languages allows for international performances.
  10. Audience members marveled at the seamless integration of the libretto with the orchestral arrangement.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Opera text: Teks opera
  • Musical script: Naskah musikal
  • Songbook: Buku lagu
  • Libretti: Libretto (plural)
  • Musical dialogue: Dialog musikal
  • Vocal text: Teks vokal
  • Operatic words: Kata-kata operatik
  • Musical libretto: Libretto musikal
  • Lyric script: Naskah lirik
  • Operatic manuscript: Manuskrip operatik

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Silence: Keheningan
  • Instrumental: Instrumen
  • Non-vocal: Non-vokal
  • Wordless: Tanpa kata
  • Non-lyrical: Non-lirik
  • Speechless: Tidak bisa berbicara
  • Inarticulate: Tidak terucapkan
  • Unsung: Tanpa nyanyian
  • Non-dialogue: Non-dialog
  • Mute: Bisu

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Librettist: Penulis libretto
  • Librettic: Berkaitan dengan libretto
  • Libretticist: Ahli dalam menulis libretto
  • Librettoed: Telah memiliki libretto
  • Librettoing: Proses penulisan libretto

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Opera: Opera
  • Operetta: Opereta
  • Musical: Musikal
  • Composition: Komposisi
  • Score: Skor musik

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Craft a libretto: Membuat libretto
  • Rehearse the libretto: Melatih libretto
  • Translate the libretto: Menerjemahkan libretto
  • Perform the libretto: Menampilkan libretto
  • Interpret the libretto: Menginterpretasikan libretto

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Libretto analysis: Analisis libretto
  • Libretto reading: Membaca libretto
  • Libretto adaptation: Adaptasi libretto
  • Libretto study: Studi libretto
  • Libretto performance: Pertunjukan libretto

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Hit the right note: Menemukan sesuatu yang pas
  • Break a leg: Berharap seseorang tampil baik di panggung
  • Face the music: Bertanggung jawab atas tindakan seseorang
  • Blow one’s own trumpet: Memamerkan diri sendiri
  • Play second fiddle: Berperan sebagai pembantu atau pendukung.

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