The term loom has multiple meanings, primarily referring to a device used for weaving fabric from threads or yarn. In this context, a loom allows artisans to create textiles by interlacing threads in a systematic manner, producing various patterns and designs. Looms have been used for centuries across different cultures, evolving from simple hand-operated devices to complex, mechanized machines in modern textile production. Additionally, “loom” can also refer to the act of something appearing in a large or menacing form, often used metaphorically to describe an impending event or situation that is approaching. Synonyms for “loom” in the context of weaving include weaving machine, warp and weft, textile machine, and fabricator. In the metaphorical sense, synonyms include emerge, appear, hover, threaten, imminent, approach, overhang, threaten, rise, and materialize. Each of these synonyms emphasizes different aspects of the concept of weaving or the looming presence of an event.
Sentences Using “Loom”
- The artisan skillfully operated the loom to create a beautiful tapestry.
- As the deadline approached, the pressure began to loom over the entire team.
- She learned how to use a traditional loom during her visit to the craft fair.
- Dark clouds began to loom on the horizon, signaling an approaching storm.
- The factory was filled with the rhythmic sounds of looms at work.
- A sense of uncertainty started to loom as the negotiations stalled.
- The intricate patterns on the fabric were created using a complex loom.
- As the final exam date drew near, anxiety began to loom in her mind.
- The loom of history can often influence current events and decisions.
- He watched as the threads danced across the loom, transforming into a stunning piece of art.
This exploration of the term “loom” highlights its significance in discussions about weaving and the metaphorical implications of impending events, emphasizing its applications in both practical and abstract contexts.
Synonyms (English – Indonesian):
- Weaving machine – Mesin tenun
- Textile machine – Mesin tekstil
- Looming – Muncul
- Impending – Mendekati
- Threatening – Mengancam
- Emerging – Muncul
- Approach – Mendekati
- Appear – Muncul
- Surface – Muncul
- Materialize – Muncul
Antonyms (English – Indonesian):
- Recede – Mundur
- Withdraw – Mundur
- Retreat – Mundur
- Shrink – Menyusut
- Dissipate – Menghilang
- Disappear – Menghilang
- Vanish – Menghilang
- Fade – Memudar
- Diminish – Menurun
- Subside – Mereda
Derived Words (English – Indonesian):
- Loomed – Muncul
- Looming – Muncul
Related Words (English – Indonesian):
- Weave – Menyulam
- Warp – Benang pakan
- Weft – Benang pakan
- Textile – Tekstil
- Fabric – Kain
Phrasal Verbs (English – Indonesian):
- Loom over – Mengintai
- Loom up – Muncul dengan tiba-tiba
- Loom large – Mendekati dengan mengesankan
Common Expressions (English – Indonesian):
- “Looming deadline” – “Batas waktu yang mendekat”
- “Looming threat” – “Ancaman yang mendekat”
- “Looming presence” – “Kehadiran yang mendekat”
Related Idioms (English – Indonesian):
- “Loom like a dark cloud” – “Muncul seperti awan gelap”
- “Loom on the horizon” – “Muncul di cakrawala”