Loomed is a verb that describes the act of appearing or approaching as a large or threatening presence, often creating a sense of imminent or overwhelming significance. The term is commonly used to convey a foreboding atmosphere or the anticipation of something significant or potentially ominous.
Sample Sentences:
- The dark clouds loomed overhead, signaling an impending storm.
- The towering skyscrapers loomed in the distance as we entered the city.
- The shadow of uncertainty loomed over the economic forecast.
- As the deadline approached, a sense of pressure loomed over the project team.
- The mountain range loomed on the horizon, casting a majestic silhouette.
- The threat of layoffs loomed as the company faced financial challenges.
- The figure of a ghostly ship loomed out of the foggy sea.
- The interview results loomed large in the minds of the job applicants.
- The ominous figure loomed in the doorway, creating an eerie atmosphere.
- The upcoming exam loomed as students prepared for the challenging test.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Tower (Menara)
- Hover (Melayang)
- Hulking (Besar dan menakutkan)
- Hang over (Menggantung di atas)
- Menace (Ancaman)
- Approach (Mendekati)
- Overshadow (Mengalahkan)
- Threaten (Mengancam)
- Dominate (Mendominasi)
- Impend (Mengancam)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Recede (Mundur)
- Retreat (Mundur)
- Shrink (Menyusut)
- Diminish (Mengurang)
- Dissipate (Membubarkan)
- Subside (Mereda)
- Fade (Pudar)
- Disappear (Hilang)
- Withdraw (Mundur)
- Shrink away (Menyusut)
Derived Words (Kata Turunan):
- Looming (Muncul dengan besar)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Presence (Kehadiran)
- Anticipation (Antisipasi)
- Impending (Mendekat)
- Foreboding (Perasaan buruk)
- Ominous (Menyeramkan)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):
- Loom large (Muncul besar)
- Loom up (Muncul)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Loom on the horizon (Muncul di cakrawala)
- Loom in the background (Muncul di latar belakang)
Related Idioms (Peribahasa Terkait):
- “Loom like a dark cloud.” (Muncul seperti awan gelap)
- “Loom over someone or something.” (Muncul di atas seseorang atau sesuatu)