
Loomed is a verb that describes the act of appearing or approaching as a large or threatening presence, often creating a sense of imminent or overwhelming significance. The term is commonly used to convey a foreboding atmosphere or the anticipation of something significant or potentially ominous.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The dark clouds loomed overhead, signaling an impending storm.
  2. The towering skyscrapers loomed in the distance as we entered the city.
  3. The shadow of uncertainty loomed over the economic forecast.
  4. As the deadline approached, a sense of pressure loomed over the project team.
  5. The mountain range loomed on the horizon, casting a majestic silhouette.
  6. The threat of layoffs loomed as the company faced financial challenges.
  7. The figure of a ghostly ship loomed out of the foggy sea.
  8. The interview results loomed large in the minds of the job applicants.
  9. The ominous figure loomed in the doorway, creating an eerie atmosphere.
  10. The upcoming exam loomed as students prepared for the challenging test.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Tower (Menara)
  • Hover (Melayang)
  • Hulking (Besar dan menakutkan)
  • Hang over (Menggantung di atas)
  • Menace (Ancaman)
  • Approach (Mendekati)
  • Overshadow (Mengalahkan)
  • Threaten (Mengancam)
  • Dominate (Mendominasi)
  • Impend (Mengancam)

Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Recede (Mundur)
  • Retreat (Mundur)
  • Shrink (Menyusut)
  • Diminish (Mengurang)
  • Dissipate (Membubarkan)
  • Subside (Mereda)
  • Fade (Pudar)
  • Disappear (Hilang)
  • Withdraw (Mundur)
  • Shrink away (Menyusut)

Derived Words (Kata Turunan):

  • Looming (Muncul dengan besar)

Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Presence (Kehadiran)
  • Anticipation (Antisipasi)
  • Impending (Mendekat)
  • Foreboding (Perasaan buruk)
  • Ominous (Menyeramkan)

Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):

  • Loom large (Muncul besar)
  • Loom up (Muncul)

Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • Loom on the horizon (Muncul di cakrawala)
  • Loom in the background (Muncul di latar belakang)

Related Idioms (Peribahasa Terkait):

  • “Loom like a dark cloud.” (Muncul seperti awan gelap)
  • “Loom over someone or something.” (Muncul di atas seseorang atau sesuatu)

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