Meet Olga!

Meet Olga!

Ew, Creepy! Part 10

Lupus and Gito were chilling and munching on some fried chicken when this girl casually rolled into the joint on roller skates. She ordered some fries and nonchalantly walked away. Through the big glass window, Lupus could see how enthusiastically she was stuffing her mouth with fries, gliding effortlessly on her skates.

“Yo, peep that, Push?” Gito asked.

Lupus stayed silent, still watching the girl until she completely disappeared around the corner.

“What are you looking at, man?” Gito curiously peeked through the window.

“A girl. She’s insane!” Lupus replied.

“Huh. I thought there was a collision or something.”

“A collision?”

“Yeah. I thought there was a collision.”

“Was there?”

Gito snorted, while Lupus finished up his food.

“Hey, Gito, gather up the bones for me to take home.”

“Bones? What for, Push?”

“For my little sister, Lulu.”

“Damn, you’re savage with the souvenirs.”

“She likes it. Maybe for her beloved cat or for her chatty neighbor, Emi. Or do you have any plans to take something home too?”

Gito shook his head vigorously.

As they headed back, Lupus once again spotted the girl having a blast holding onto a rickshaw on her roller skates…

“Gito, there’s the girl. She’s insane! Go talk to her, man!” Lupus exclaimed excitedly. Gito changed course, getting closer to the girl with double braids.

“Hey!” Lupus greeted when they got close.

The girl turned and a cute smile adorned her face.

“Hey there.”

“Yo, come on, let’s go?” Gito offered from behind the wheel.

“Nah, I’m good like this,” he replied, munching on some fries.

Gito whispered to Lupus, “Write a letter, Pus. Write a letter. Ask her if she has a boyfriend yet.”

“Why not just ask her directly?”

“Not as fun, man.”

So Lupus reluctantly wrote a letter on a piece of tissue paper in the car. The handwriting was messy and barely legible. The content was funny:

“Hey, Girl,

Do you have a boyfriend yet? If not, damn… you’re all grown up and still don’t have a boyfriend?


Gito + Lupus”

Lupus chuckled as he handed the crumpled tissue to the girl.

She accepted it, half surprised.

“What’s this?”

“A letter. Read it at home!”

Then they parted ways at the intersection. The girl gracefully entered a small alley that cars couldn’t pass through.

“Hey, Pus. What’s the girl’s name?”

“Don’t know.”

“Ah, man. Why didn’t you ask? Now we’ll never know!”

On their way back, Gito stopped by Lupus’ house. They were both working on a sociology paper. The topic was “Teenage Consumerism.” The negative impact of social progress. They had been struggling to find references. But all they found were comic books like Gully and Lucky Luke.

“Hey, can we use references from Lucky Luke? So we can write, according to Lucky Luke comic on page 20, Lucky Luke said to the Dalton Brothers…”

Gito chuckled. “You’re making things up, Pus!”

Gito parked his car near a guava tree. Then he got out, carrying a typewriter behind Lupus. They walked past Lulu, who was busy hanging clothes.

“Busy, huh, Mpok? Lots of laundry?” Gito teased as Lulu was hanging her underwear. Lulu was startled and quickly hid her “charm” behind her back. “Oh, is there a typewriter repairman here?” Lulu said, looking at the typewriter Gito was carrying.

“Not a repairman, Lu. A government employee,” Lupus said, handing the bones to Lulu.

Still laughing, they entered the room. Lupus immediately opened his typewriter and placed it on the floor. The reference books were gathered on the side. “Check it first, Git. Maybe some letters fell off along the way,” Lupus said, counting the number of letters on his typewriter.

Then, a few moments later, the sound of typing filled the room. The two kids were bored reading through all the references.

“Room service!” Lulu shouted, pushing the door open with her shoulder. Her two hands were carrying a tray with two refreshing drinks and a plate of fried bananas.

“Dang, Lulu! Didn’t expect that. That’s insane!” Gito exclaimed, standing up. He forgot about his tasks for a moment.

“Lulu, you suddenly become so nice when Gito is around,” Lupus teased.

Lulu’s face turned red, but she tried to act cool while moving the glasses and plates from the tray.

After finishing, Lulu walked out of Lupus’ room. She took a step towards the dining table when Lupus shouted, “Lulu, you put salt in the syrup again!!!”

Lulu quickly ran away while giggling.

Around five o’clock, they both started to feel bored continuing their writing. Lupus stretched his arms and did some light exercises.

Meanwhile, Gito was completely focused, staring at the reference books.

“I’m gonna turn on the radio, okay?”

Gito nodded, his eyes still glued to the book.

Soon, a lively radio announcer’s voice could be heard.

“Welcome back to Radio Ga Ga. You’re still hanging out with Olga on this sunny Sunday afternoon. The next song is dedicated to two clueless dudes named Gito and Lupus, who wrote me a love letter on the street, and they better not have those intense eyes while writing their paper….”

Gito and Lupus exchanged glances. Huh?

“This song for you guys is called ‘Beautiful Girl’ by Chacha Maricha… uh, who is it again? Oops, I forgot. My bad, it’s not listed here. Do you think I memorize everything? I can’t even bother memorizing the names of my own heroes, let alone foreign singers!

“Well, enjoy it anyway, Gito and Lupus! And here’s a riddle for you: What kind of car is in a tree? Can’t guess? The answer is: ‘Mo’bilang jambu kek. Mo’bilang pepaya kek… whatever.’ Hihihi…”

Gito stood up immediately. “Pus, no doubt about it, that’s the girl we saw earlier with roller skates on the street!”

“Yeah, her voice is totally whack, right?”

“What was her name again?”

“Dracula? Eh-Alga? Heaven? Water? Relief? Olga!”

“Olga! Turns out she’s a radio host! Let’s go there, dude!”

“What about the paper?”

“We’ll do it later, man. Hurry up, before she finishes her show!”

They quickly tidied up the scattered papers. Just make it look neat, no matter what. And they placed them on their respective typewriters. After that, they sprinted towards the door, which was already half-opened by Lulu. “Room serv… aw!!!”

Bam! Without a doubt, they crashed into Lulu, who was carrying two glasses of lemonade.

The lemonade spilled and soaked Lulu’s skirt. The glasses fell. Luckily, she used plastic cups this time, so they didn’t break.

“Oops. Sorry, Lu, we’re in a hurry.”

Lulu grumbled irritably while wiping her wet skirt.

Lupus and Gito continued their run. “Sorry, Lu, this time we didn’t get to experience your toxic water!”

“This is real syrup, you know!” Lulu shouted angrily.

Half an hour later, Lupus and Gito arrived at Radio Ga Ga. The atmosphere was pretty youthful. Several cars were parked along the shady street. A group of young people playfully flirted near the small sedans. Arthur Baker’s music blasted from a Blaupunk sedan, competing with the loud dangdut songs from the radio owned by the noodle seller.

Gito and Lupus were confused about finding the entrance to the studio. It was their first time there.

“Hey, which door leads to the studio?” Gito tapped a girl who was eating rujak while swaying her hips. So cheeky!

“Huh? Looking for someone?”


“Olga? I think that girl has already gone home. But just go inside. Maybe her fart is still there. See, enter through the side of the shop with the sign ‘ugly people not allowed’.”

“Thanks,” Gito and Lupus entered while being grateful that they weren’t “ugly people”.

When Gito and Lupus peeked inside, they saw a girl laughing hysterically on the phone. It was so intense. She couldn’t stop giggling.

“Excuse me,” Gito said. The girl was startled.

Meanwhile, Lupus immediately took a seat near the huge ashtray.

The girl nodded. “Wait a minute,” she said into the phone. “Who are you looking for?”

“Olga. Is she here?”

“Olga? Hold on a sec. Miss Veraaa…” the girl’s voice was loud.

“Yes?” A sweet-faced girl who looked a bit mature appeared from the door with a sign that said “Head of Broadcasting”.

“Miss, someone is looking for Olga. Is she still here?”

Mbak Vera flashed a smile at Lupus and Gito. “Yo, take a seat.”

“Uh, I’m already sitting,” Lupus said.

“Well then, stand up then.” Lupus chuckled.

“Looking for Olga, huh? Damn… I’m looking for her too. That girl is wild. She’s supposed to be on air until six, but suddenly she’s gone. It’s only half past six, right?” Mbak Vera said.

“Oh, so she left during her show?”

“Yeah, that’s right. She just left like that… All we heard was rustling sounds. Where does she go when she’s on air? The operator rarely pays attention, so they don’t know. Suddenly she’s gone. Not even a single song played.”

“That’s just how she rolls. When she’s in the mood for broadcasting, she’s in the mood. Mbak Vera is always left hanging. But she loves her. That girl is so creative. Her broadcasting style is so casual. Teenage vibes, you know? Different from the others. That’s why Mbak Vera keeps her. Do you guys like listening to Olga’s show?”

“Yeah, earlier.”

“Well, how was it? Hilarious, right?”

“Wow, Mbak Vera, you’re rambling. How about this, if it’s really important, you guys can leave a message for her. She’ll come tomorrow for sure. It’s payday, you know. She’s always diligent when it’s time to collect her paycheck. After school, she comes straight here to hang out. Or do you want to meet her here tomorrow?”

Gito and Lupus remained silent for a moment.

“Do you know her home address?”

“Well, it’s in the Administration section. It’s closed now. But let me draw you a map, okay? With some landmarks.”

Mbak Vera quickly grabbed a notepad and a pen that were lying near the telephone.

Gito studied the sketch given by Mbak Vera.

Whether it was because the sketch was unclear or because Gito didn’t understand the area, it was already half past ten at night when they finally found Olga’s house. Well, they got lost and had some siomai first.

Olga’s house was quiet. The building wasn’t too modern, but it looked cozy. The yard was spacious. Various types of trees grew near the wire fence. In front of the garage, an old Capella was parked, slightly sticking in.

“You go first, Pus!” Gito nudged Lupus.

“The atmosphere is so quiet, Git. They must be asleep!”

“Ah, it’s only half past ten. They’re probably watching the news.”

Lupus pressed the doorbell. Ding-dong.

They waited for a while.

Pressed it again. Ding-dong.

Then a stern-looking woman’s face appeared. Lupus was already surprised.

“Who are you looking for?” her tone was unfriendly.

“Uh… O-Olga, Auntie!” Lupus stuttered.

“What do you need?”

“U-um, Auntie. Uh, we want to borrow an eraser.”

“Borrow an eraser? This late at night?”

Lupus was taken aback. Gito looked at Lupus in confusion. Why borrow an eraser?

“Olga is already asleep. Come back tomorrow morning,” the chubby auntie said. Then she closed the door. Click.

Lupus and Gito shrugged at each other. Then they turned towards the gate. With tired steps, they walked through Olga’s spacious yard. Their hunt today was in vain. They even skipped doing their paper assignment for this.

“Hey! Psst!” suddenly a voice called out softly.

“What’s that sound? Did you fart, Git?” Lupus said, covering his nose.

“No way.”

“Hey! Psst! Lupus, Gito!”

Lupus and Gito turned around. Oh la la! It turned out that from the side window, the sweet face of Olga appeared. She smiled at them and waved her hand.

“Olga!” Lupus and Gito exclaimed, holding back their excitement. Then they approached her.

“Shh! Don’t be so loud. What are you guys doing here at night?”

Lupus and Gito told her about their visit to Radio Ga Ga.

“Meet me at Radio Ga Ga tomorrow after school.”

“Oh, you’re getting paid, huh?” Lupus teased.

“You know it.”

“Treat us, okay?”

“We’ll see tomorrow. If I have some leftover cash, I’ll treat you guys. If not, you treat me. I’m saving up to buy a leather jacket.”

“Alright then. See you tomorrow, Ol?”


The window closed.

And now you’re curious to get to know Olga better, right? Just be patient. There’s a special book that tells her story. It’s insane, really!

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