Much Ado About Haircut

Much Ado About Haircut

Perhaps you read about our school in the newspaper? We were among the first to have a showdown on the topic of long hair for boys. Two honor students, Ron Harris and Len Chester were sent to the principal by their French teacher, an implacable foe of non-conformists, who went into a paroxysm of anger when she spied the boys in the hall. At first, it seemed like a simple case. The school would reprimand the boys for their reprehensible appearance and order them to cut their hair or be suspended. But the boy’s parents decided that the school had overstepped its jurisdiction; they took their case to the newspapers. What had started as a local skirmish now began to take on the appearance of full-scale war.

  • Perhaps: mungkin
  • Among: di antara
  • Showdown: pertarungan
  • Honor: kehormatan
  • Principal: kepala sekolah, utama
  • Implacable: tidak dapat diredakan, tidak dapat diredam
  • Foe: musuh
  • Non-conformist: orang yang tidak mengikuti norma
  • Paroxysm: serangan, gejala akut
  • Reprimand: teguran, peringatan
  • Reprehensible: tercela, tidak patut
  • Suspended: ditangguhkan, ditunda
  • Overstepped: melanggar, melebihi batas
  • Jurisdiction: yurisdiksi, wilayah hukum

The school made headlines for its stance on boys with long hair. Two top students, Ron Harris and Len Chester were reported to the principal by their strict French teacher, who disapproved of their unconventional appearance. The school planned to discipline the boys by suspending them if they did not comply with the short hair rule. However, the boys’ parents felt that the school had exceeded its authority and took the matter to the press. The situation escalated from a minor conflict to a larger battle.

  • Stance: sikap, posisi
  • Strict: ketat, tegas
  • Discipline: disiplin
  • Comply: patuh, mematuhi
  • Exceeded: melampaui, melebihi batas
  • Escalated: meningkat, memburuk
  • Minor: kecil, tidak begitu penting

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