The punch KO Mullins threw during the heated confrontation with the champion’s manager had severe consequences. The elderly manager, incensed by the physical altercation, pressed charges against the fighter, claiming assault. He presented a deep gash above his eyebrow, which required ten stitches, as evidence of the attack.
- to eat humble pie: meminta maaf, mengakui kesalahan
- severe: parah, serius
- incensed: marah sekali, sangat kesal
- altercation: pertengkaran, adu mulut
- pressed charges against the fighter: menuntut petarung secara hukum
- assault: serangan, penyerangan
- stitches: jahitan, benang untuk menjahit luka
- evidence: bukti, tanda
- Hobson’s choice: to have no choice at all
When the case was heard in court, Mullins faced the judge’s stern reprimand for his actions. In addition to paying a substantial financial settlement, he was also ordered to issue a public apology to the manager, acknowledging the harm he had caused.
- stern: keras, tegas
- reprimand: teguran, sanksi
- stern reprimand: teguran keras
- substantial: besar, signifikan
- financial: keuangan, financial
- settlement: penyelesaian, kesepakatan
- substantial financial settlement: kesepakatan keuangan yang besar
- issue: masalah, isu
- to issue: menerbitkan, mengeluarkan
The incident was a wake-up call for Mullins, forcing him to confront the consequences of his impulsive behavior. He was forced to eat humble pie, apologizing and acknowledging his wrongdoings. The incident was a stark reminder that even the most formidable fighters must respect the laws and rights of others inside and outside the ring.
- wake-up-call: panggilan untuk sadar, peringatan
- confront: menghadapi, berhadapan dengan
- consequences: konsekuensi, akibat
- impulsive: impulsif, gegabah
- to eat humble pie: meminta maaf, mengakui kesalahan
- apologize: meminta maaf, memohon maaf
- acknowledge: mengakui, mengesahkan
- wrongdoings: tindakan salah, kesalahan
- stark: jelas, tegas
- formidable: tangguh, kuat
- the law and rights: hukum dan hak-hak
The irate 80-year-old manager pressed charges against K.O. Mullins, suing him for assault. As tangible evidence of the attraction, he pointed to a deep laceration over his eyebrow, requiring ten stitches. The judge castigated Mullins for the sordid incident when the case was brought before the court. In addition to a costly financial settlement, Mullins was required to apologize publicly to the octogenarian.
- pressed charge against KO Mullins: menuntut KO Mullins secara hukum
- suing: menggugat, menuntut secara hukum
- assault: serangan, penyerangan
- tangible: nyata, terlihat jelas
- evidence: bukti, tanda
- attraction: daya tarik, tarikan
- laceration: luka robek, luka sayat
- stitches: jahitan, benang untuk menjahit luka
- the judge: hakim, pengadil
- castigated: dikritik, dimarahi
- sordid: kotor, menjijikkan
- brought before the court: dibawa ke pengadilan
- the court: pengadilan, sidang
- costly: mahal, berharga
- financial: keuangan, finansial
- settlement: penyelesaian, kesepakatan
- costly financial settlement: kesepakatan keuangan yang mahal
- apologize: meminta maaf, memohon maaf
- octogenarian: orang yang berusia delapan puluhan (80-89 tahun)