Multistory Building

Multistory Building

A “multistory building” refers to a structure that consists of multiple floors or levels, typically designed for various purposes such as residential, commercial, or institutional use. Also known as a “multistory structure” or “multilevel building,” these constructions take advantage of vertical space to accommodate a greater number of occupants or activities within a confined footprint.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The city skyline is dominated by multistory buildings, showcasing urban development.
  2. The company decided to relocate its offices to a new multistory building for increased workspace.
  3. Multistory buildings in earthquake-prone areas are often engineered with reinforced structures.
  4. Apartment complexes in densely populated areas are commonly multistory to maximize housing.
  5. The university campus features several multistory buildings housing classrooms and offices.
  6. Architects strive to create innovative designs for sustainable multistory structures.
  7. The hotel boasts a stunning view of the city from its multistory rooftop restaurant.
  8. The construction of a new multistory parking garage alleviated the campus parking shortage.
  9. Many modern shopping malls are characterized by their spacious and multistory layouts.
  10. Residential preferences have shifted towards multistory townhouses for urban living.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • High-rise building: Gedung tinggi
  • Tower block: Blok menara
  • Skyscraper: Pencakar langit
  • Tower: Menara
  • Tall building: Gedung tinggi
  • Elevated structure: Struktur tinggi
  • Vertical building: Gedung vertikal
  • Multi-level structure: Struktur multi-level
  • Apartment complex: Kompleks apartemen
  • Condominium: Kondominium

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Single-story building: Gedung satu lantai
  • Low-rise structure: Struktur rendah
  • Bungalow: Rumah tinggal
  • Cottage: Pondok
  • Ground-level building: Gedung berlevel dasar
  • Flat structure: Struktur datar
  • Horizontal building: Gedung horizontal
  • One-floor construction: Konstruksi satu lantai
  • Ranch-style house: Rumah gaya rancho
  • Low-profile building: Gedung berprofil rendah

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Multistory development: Pengembangan multistory
  • Multistory living: Kehidupan multistory
  • Multistory architecture: Arsitektur multistory
  • Multistory design: Desain multistory

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Architecture: Arsitektur
  • Construction: Konstruksi
  • Urban development: Pembangunan perkotaan
  • Infrastructure: Infrastruktur
  • Interior design: Desain interior

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Build up: Membangun ke atas
  • Design for height: Merancang untuk ketinggian
  • Expand vertically: Memperluas secara vertikal
  • Renovate upward: Merenovasi ke atas
  • Construct higher levels: Membangun tingkat yang lebih tinggi

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • High-rise living: Hidup di gedung tinggi
  • Vertical expansion: Ekspansi vertikal
  • Urban development projects: Proyek pengembangan perkotaan
  • Building upward: Membangun ke atas
  • Space optimization: Optimasi ruang

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Reaching new heights: Mencapai ketinggian baru
  • Building castles in the air: Membangun istana di udara
  • The sky’s the limit: Langit adalah batasnya
  • Upward mobility: Mobilitas ke atas
  • Rise to the occasion: Bangkit menghadapi situasi

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