Mumbo Jumbo

Mumbo jumbo is an informal expression used to describe language, ideas, or practices that are confusing, meaningless, or deliberately complicated, often to mislead or obscure the truth. It refers to phrases, rituals, or jargon that seem nonsensical or overly elaborate without providing real value or clarity. The term is frequently used in a dismissive context, indicating skepticism or disbelief toward something that seems overly complex or unfounded. In many cases, mumbo jumbo can be associated with superstition, pseudo-science, or meaningless bureaucracy.

Ten Sentences Using “Mumbo Jumbo”

  1. The speaker’s explanation was full of mumbo jumbo, and I couldn’t make sense of what he was trying to say.
  2. The instructions for the new software were filled with so much mumbo jumbo that I gave up trying to understand them.
  3. He tried to sell me some mumbo jumbo about a miracle diet, but I wasn’t convinced.
  4. The politician’s speech was full of empty promises and mumbo jumbo, with no real substance.
  5. I’m tired of listening to all this mumbo jumbo about the latest trends in self-help.
  6. The marketing brochure was full of mumbo jumbo, using buzzwords that didn’t actually explain the product.
  7. She dismissed his scientific theory as mumbo jumbo, believing there was no evidence to support it.
  8. The bureaucratic language in the report sounded like complete mumbo jumbo to most of the staff.
  9. Don’t let all that legal mumbo jumbo confuse you – just sign the form.
  10. The so-called “expert” was spouting a lot of mumbo jumbo without offering any real solutions.

Synonyms for “Mumbo Jumbo”

  • Nonsense
  • Bunk
  • Baloney
  • Gibberish
  • Foolishness
  • Hokum
  • Twaddle
  • Claptrap
  • Poppycock
  • Hooey

Antonyms for “Mumbo Jumbo”

  • Clarity
  • Logic
  • Sense
  • Simplicity
  • Truth
  • Reality
  • Substance
  • Coherence
  • Understanding
  • Accuracy

Phrasal Verbs for “Mumbo Jumbo”

  • Talk nonsense (to speak in a way that is confusing or meaningless, similar to mumbo jumbo)
  • Make up (to invent something that seems like mumbo jumbo, especially when it’s untrue or absurd)
  • Run on (to speak endlessly or in a confusing way, much like mumbo jumbo)
  • Throw out (to offer ideas or statements that are baseless or meaningless, akin to mumbo jumbo)
  • Blow smoke (to say things that are confusing or meaningless, like mumbo jumbo)

Idiomatic Expressions for “Mumbo Jumbo”

  • Pull the wool over someone’s eyes: To deceive or confuse someone with mumbo jumbo or misleading information.
  • A bunch of hot air: Describing speech or claims that are empty and full of mumbo jumbo.
  • Talk a blue streak: To speak rapidly and at length, sometimes including unnecessary mumbo jumbo.
  • Smoke and mirrors: Referring to deception or trickery, often involving mumbo jumbo to obscure the truth.
  • On a wild goose chase: Referring to a futile pursuit, often due to being misled by mumbo jumbo.
  • Going around in circles: Describing a situation where things are not progressing, often due to excessive mumbo jumbo.
  • All talk and no action: When someone is spouting mumbo jumbo without offering any tangible solutions.

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