

Mutiny is a term that refers to a rebellion or an uprising against an established authority, especially in military or naval settings. It involves a group of people, such as soldiers, sailors, or workers, who refuse to obey orders or follow the chain of command. Various factors, such as poor conditions, mistreatment, lack of pay, or disagreement with the orders given may cause this disobedience.

Mutiny can take different forms, ranging from peaceful protests to violent attacks. It can be spontaneous or organized, often involving a leader or a group of leaders who guide the rebellion. The consequences of mutiny can be severe, including imprisonment, torture, or execution, depending on the severity of the act.

Here are some examples of sentences that clarify the definition of mutiny:

  • The captain of the ship faced a mutiny when his crew refused to sail any further.
  • The soldiers staged a mutiny when they realized that they weren’t getting paid for their services.
  • The workers’ mutiny resulted in a strike that paralyzed the factory for weeks.
  • The prisoners planned a mutiny to escape from the jail and take revenge on their captors.
  • The mutiny of the sailors was sparked by the harsh living conditions and the cruelty of the officers.
  • The king feared a mutiny from his army if he didn’t grant them more privileges.
  • The mutiny of the slaves led to a violent rebellion that lasted for months.
  • The mutiny on the space station was caused by a malfunctioning life support system.
  • The mutiny in the prison was quickly suppressed by the guards, who used force to restore order.
  • The mutiny of the police officers was a response to the corruption and abuse of power in the department.

Here are some synonyms, antonyms, related words, phrasal verbs, and idioms for mutiny:

Here are some possible synonyms for “mutiny” with their Indonesian equivalents:

Here are some possible antonyms for “mutiny”:

  • Obedience: Ketaatan
  • Compliance: Kepatuhan
  • Submission: Penyerahan
  • Loyalty: Kesetiaan
  • Allegiance: Kesetiaan
  • Conformity: Kesesuaian
  • Harmony: Keharmonisan
  • Accord: Persetujuan
  • Agreement: Persetujuan
  • Peace: Kedamaian
  • Stability: Stabilitas
  • Order: Ketertiban
  • Control: Pengendalian
  • Discipline: Disiplin
  • Regulation: Regulasi
  • Authority: Otoritas
  • Rule: Aturan
  • Lawfulness: Kepatuhan pada hukum
  • Compliance: Kepatuhan
  • Subordination: Subordinasi
  • Calm: Ketenangan
  • Tranquility: Ketenangan
  • Serenity: Ketenangan
  • Agreement: Persetujuan
  • Unity: Persatuan
  • Solidarity: Solidaritas
  • Cooperation: Kerjasama

Here are some possible related words for “mutiny”:

  • Mutineer: Pemberontak
  • Rebellion: Pemberontakan
  • Revolt: Pemberontakan
  • Insurrection: Pemberontakan
  • Uprising: Pemberontakan
  • Riot: Kerusuhan
  • Sedition: Pemberontakan
  • Treason: Pengkhianatan
  • Coup: Kudeta
  • Dissent: Ketidaksetujuan
  • Disobedience: Ketidakpatuhan
  • Defiance: Penentangan
  • Resistance: Perlawanan
  • Anarchy: Kekacauan
  • Disorder: Kekacauan
  • Turmoil: Kekacauan
  • Chaos: Kekacauan
  • Tumult: Kekacauan
  • Commotion: Kekacauan
  • Unrest: Ketidakstabilan
  • Discord: Ketidaksepakatan
  • Friction: Gesekan
  • Conflict: Konflik
  • Strife: Konflik
  • Hostility: Permusuhan
  • Dissension: Perpecahan
  • Schism: Perpecahan
  • Revolter: Pemberontak
  • Insurgent: Pemberontak
  • Rebel: Pemberontak
  • Traitor: Pengkhianat
  • Dissident: Orang yang tidak setuju
  • Disobedient: Orang yang tidak patuh
  • Defiant: Orang yang menentang
  • Resistant: Orang yang melawan
  • Anarchic: Kekacauan
  • Disorderly: Tidak teratur
  • Turbulent: Tidak stabil
  • Chaotic: Kekacauan
  • Tumultuous: Kekacauan
  • Unruly: Tidak teratur
  • Discordant: Tidak sejalan
  • Hostile: Bermusuhan
  • Schismatic: Orang yang memecah belah

Here are some possible phrasal verbs related to “mutiny”:

  • Mutiny against: Pemberontakan terhadap
  • Mutiny over: Pemberontakan atas
  • Mutiny for: Pemberontakan untuk
  • Mutiny up: Pemberontakan naik
  • Mutiny down: Pemberontakan turun
  • Mutiny on: Pemberontakan terhadap
  • Mutiny out: Pemberontakan keluar
  • Mutiny through: Pemberontakan melalui
  • Mutiny around: Pemberontakan di sekitar
  • Mutiny away: Pemberontakan menjauh
  • Break out: Meletus (pemberontakan)
  • Rise up: Bangkit (melawan)
  • Stand up: Berdiri (melawan)
  • Take up arms: Mengambil senjata (melawan)
  • Turn against: Berbalik melawan
  • Rebel against: Memberontak melawan
  • Revolt against: Memberontak melawan
  • Rise up against: Bangkit melawan
  • Stage a mutiny: Melakukan pemberontakan
  • Incite mutiny: Membakar semangat pemberontakan
  • Quell mutiny: Menumpas pemberontakan
  • Suppress mutiny: Menekan pemberontakan
  • Put down mutiny: Menghentikan pemberontakan
  • Crush mutiny: Menghancurkan pemberontakan
  • Subdue mutiny: Menundukkan pemberontakan
  • Prevent mutiny: Mencegah pemberontakan
  • Stop mutiny: Menghentikan pemberontakan
  • Control mutiny: Mengendalikan pemberontakan
  • Manage mutiny: Mengelola pemberontakan
  • Handle mutiny: Menangani pemberontakan
  • Deal with mutiny: Menangani pemberontakan
  • Address mutiny: Menangani pemberontakan
  • Confront mutiny: Menghadapi pemberontakan
  • Face mutiny: Menghadapi pemberontakan
  • Tackle mutiny: Menangani pemberontakan
  • Overcome mutiny: Mengatasi pemberontakan
  • Resolve mutiny: Menyelesaikan pemberontakan


  • To be in mutiny against: Berada dalam pemberontakan terhadap
  • To lead a mutiny: Memimpin pemberontakan
  • To quell a mutiny: Menumpas pemberontakan
  • To crush a mutiny: Menghancurkan pemberontakan
  • To incite mutiny: Membakar semangat pemberontakan
  • To face mutiny: Menghadapi pemberontakan
  • To cause mutiny: Menyebabkan pemberontakan
  • To provoke mutiny: Mempicu pemberontakan
  • To raise a mutiny: Membangkitkan pemberontakan
  • To join the mutiny: Bergabung dengan pemberontakan

Here are some possible idioms related to “mutiny”:

  • A mutiny of the heart: Pemberontakan hati
  • A mutiny of the mind: Pemberontakan pikiran
  • A mutiny of the soul: Pemberontakan jiwa
  • A mutiny of the senses: Pemberontakan indera
  • A mutiny of the body: Pemberontakan tubuh
  • A mutiny of the spirit: Pemberontakan semangat
  • A mutiny of the will: Pemberontakan kehendak
  • A mutiny of the emotions: Pemberontakan emosi
  • A mutiny of the conscience: Pemberontakan nurani
  • A mutiny of the imagination: Pemberontakan imajinasi
  • A mutiny of the ego: Pemberontakan ego
  • A mutiny of the self: Pemberontakan diri
  • A mutiny of the masses: Pemberontakan massa
  • A mutiny of the crew: Pemberontakan awak kapal
  • A mutiny of the soldiers: Pemberontakan tentara
  • A mutiny of the workers: Pemberontakan pekerja
  • A mutiny of the students: Pemberontakan pelajar
  • A mutiny of the citizens: Pemberontakan warga negara
  • A mutiny of the oppressed: Pemberontakan yang tertindas
  • A mutiny of the marginalized: Pemberontakan yang terpinggirkan
  • A mutiny of the disenfranchised: Pemberontakan yang tidak memiliki hak suara
  • A mutiny of the dispossessed: Pemberontakan yang tidak memiliki harta
  • A mutiny of the disenchanted: Pemberontakan yang kecewa
  • A mutiny of the disillusioned: Pemberontakan yang kecewa
  • A mutiny of the dissatisfied: Pemberontakan yang tidak puas
  • A mutiny of the restless: Pemberontakan yang gelisah
  • A mutiny of the frustrated: Pemberontakan yang frustasi
  • A mutiny of the angry: Pemberontakan yang marah
  • A mutiny of the rebellious: Pemberontakan yang memberontak

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