If you’re curious about the world of media, you might want to learn some vocabulary that is commonly used in newspapers and television. For example, do you know what a journalist is? How about a cartoonist or a serial? And what does headline mean? In this article, I will explain these and other words that are related to the media industry. Let’s get started!
Word List
- journalist
- cartoonist
- serial
- series
- chat show
- headline
- dubbed
- quiz
- circulation
- cartoon strip
- review
- documentary
- article
- caption
- classified
- channels
- leader
- action replay
- gossip column
Words in Use
Ink and Shadows
In the vibrant city of Metropolis, a seasoned investigative journalist named Olivia discovered a hidden world that blurred the lines between reality and imagination. One day, while perusing the classified section of the local newspaper, she stumbled upon a cryptic message that hinted at a mysterious serial unfolding within the city’s shadows.
- vibrant city = kota yang bersemangat/kota yang hidup
- journalist = jurnalis/wartawan
- blurred = kabur/samar
- perusing = membaca dengan seksama/mengkaji
- classified = diklasifikasikan/dikelompokkan
- stumble upon = menemukan secara tidak sengaja/menemui dengan kebetulan
- cryptic = samar/misterius
- hinted = memberi petunjuk/menyinggung
- unfolding = sedang berkembang/terungkap
As Olivia delved deeper, she uncovered a clandestine network of creatives led by a reclusive cartoonist known only as The Sketchmaster. This elusive artist had been crafting a covert series of cartoon strips that seemed to foretell events before they occurred. Each cartoon strip bore a cryptic caption that hinted at the city’s future, leaving readers bewildered and intrigued.
- delved = menyelidiki/menggali
- uncovered = terungkap/membongkar
- clandestine = rahasia/tersembunyi
- reclusive = tertutup/penyendiri
- elusive = sulit ditangkap/sulit ditemukan
- crafting = membuat/menghasilkan
- covert = rahasia/tersembunyi
- cartoon strips = strip kartun/gambar kartun
- foretell = meramalkan/memprediksi
- bore = membosankan/menjadi bosan
- cryptic = samar/misterius
- hinted = memberi petunjuk/menyinggung
- bewildered = bingung/terkejut
- intrigued = tertarik/menyelidiki
To decode the enigma, Olivia enlisted the help of her friend Max, a charismatic host of a popular late-night chat show. Together, they embarked on a quest to uncover the truth behind the captivating cartoons that had captured the city’s imagination. The Sketchmaster’s work had been dubbed the “Ink Prophecies,” and speculation about their origin ran rampant in the city’s gossip columns.
- decode = mendekode/menguraikan
- enigma = teka-teki/misteri
- enlisted = terdaftar/mendaftar
- embark on a quest = memulai pencarian/memulai petualangan
- captivating = memikat/menarik perhatian
- dubbed = dijuluki/menamai
- ink prophecies = ramalan-ramalan tinta/ramalan yang ditulis
- ran rampant = meluap/menyebar dengan cepat
As Olivia and Max delved deeper into the conspiracy, they uncovered a trail of clues that led them to an eccentric editor named Jasper who claimed to have received the cartoons anonymously. The editorial office, adorned with headlines of the Ink Prophecies, was a labyrinth of secrecy and intrigue.
- adorned = dihiasi/menghias
- labyrinth = labirin/jalur yang rumit
- secrecy = kerahasiaan/kebijaksanaan
- intrigue = intrik/kejutan
To unravel the mystery further, Olivia and Max decided to organize a city-wide quiz night centered around the cartoons, hoping to engage the community in deciphering the hidden messages. The event attracted a diverse crowd, including avid readers, amateur detectives, and even The Sketchmaster’s elusive followers.
- unravel = mengurai/membongkar
- deciphering = memecahkan/menguraikan
- diverse = beragam/beraneka ragam
- avid = bersemangat/antusias
In an unexpected turn, the city’s leading channels covered the quiz night, turning it into a live action replay for the entire metropolis. The circulation of The Sketchmaster’s cartoons soared, sparking a renewed interest in the world of print journalism. Olivia’s investigative skills became the headline of the hour as she and Max pieced together the puzzle, revealing the true purpose behind the Ink Prophecies.
- soared = melambung/meningkat dengan cepat
- sparking = memicu/membara
- the ink prophecies = ramalan-ramalan tinta/ramalan yang ditulis
In a surprising twist, the cartoons were not predictions but a commentary on the city’s socio-political climate, a form of artistic activism meant to provoke thought and instigate change. The revelation turned The Sketchmaster into an inadvertent leader of a movement advocating for social reform.
As the city buzzed with the aftermath of the quiz night, the once-elusive Sketchmaster stepped into the limelight, participating in a revealing documentary that chronicled the journey from shadows to the forefront of public discourse. Metropolis had witnessed the convergence of journalism and art, leaving an indelible mark on the city’s cultural landscape.
- buzzed = berdengung/berdesir
- limelight = sorotan publik/panggung sorotan
- stepped into the limelight = naik ke panggung sorotan/mendapatkan perhatian publik
- chronicled = dicatat/didokumentasikan
- discourse = perbincangan/perdebatan
- indelible = tak terhapuskan/tak terlupakan