

Ogling refers to looking at someone or something with intense, often inappropriate or lustful, attention. It typically suggests a prolonged, overtly admiring gaze that can make the object of the gaze uncomfortable. While ogling is usually associated with a sexual or objectifying type of attention, it can also be used more generally to describe a strong, focused look at something that captures one’s interest, sometimes in a playful or exaggerated manner.

Some synonyms for ogling include:

  • Staring
  • Gazing
  • Gawking
  • Leering
  • Eyeing
  • Peeping
  • Glancing at (in certain contexts)
  • Checking out (informally)
  • Admiring (when neutral)

Sentences using ogling:

  • He was caught ogling the new employee when she walked into the room.
  • She felt uncomfortable as he kept ogling her from across the room.
  • The photographer spent hours ogling the landscape, trying to capture the perfect shot.
  • The group of teenagers was ogling the new sports car parked outside.
  • The man was ogling the women in the cafe, making them feel uneasy.
  • The tourists were ogling the famous landmark, snapping photos from every angle.
  • She noticed him ogling her outfit, his gaze lingering a little too long.
  • His ogling at the model on the billboard made her feel self-conscious.
  • He was ogling the menu, trying to decide what to order at the restaurant.
  • She couldn’t help but feel like she was being ogled as she walked through the crowd.

Synonyms for ogling:

  • Staring
  • Gazing
  • Gawking
  • Leering
  • Eyeing
  • Peeping
  • Glancing at (in some cases)
  • Checking out
  • Admiring
  • Looking intently
  • Scanning (in certain contexts)

Phrasal verbs related to ogling:

  • Check out – “He was checking out the car in the showroom for hours.”
  • Look at – “She caught him looking at her with an expression she didn’t like.”
  • Take in – “He was taking in every detail of her outfit, his eyes lingering on her.”
  • Keep an eye on – “He kept an eye on the crowd, ogling people as they walked by.”

Idiomatic expressions related to ogling:

  • Eye someone up – “He was eyeing her up as she entered the room, making her feel uncomfortable.”
  • Give someone the once-over – “He gave her the once-over as she passed by, checking her out from head to toe.”
  • Stare someone down – “He kept staring her down from across the bar, which was a bit unsettling.”
  • Lock eyes – “They locked eyes for a moment, and she could tell he was ogling her.”
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