

An ornithologist is a scientist who specializes in the study of birds. Ornithologists research various aspects of birds’ behavior, ecology, physiology, and evolution. They observe and analyze bird species in their natural habitats, contributing to our understanding of avian life cycles, migration patterns, mating behaviors, and more. Ornithologists play a crucial role in bird conservation efforts and the preservation of avian biodiversity.

In Indonesian, the equivalent term for ornithologist is “ahli burung.”

Sample Sentences:

  1. The ornithologist identified the rare bird species based on its distinctive plumage.
  2. Ornithologists study bird songs and calls to understand their communication patterns.
  3. She pursued a career as an ornithologist to better comprehend bird migration behaviors.
  4. Ornithologists use binoculars and field guides to observe birds in their natural habitats.
  5. The ornithologist’s research contributed to the discovery of a new bird subspecies.
  6. The conservation efforts were guided by the recommendations of experienced ornithologists.
  7. Ornithologists study the impact of climate change on bird populations and habitats.
  8. The ornithologist’s expertise helped establish protected areas for migratory birds.
  9. The ornithologist’s fieldwork involves banding and tracking bird movements.
  10. Ornithologists often collaborate with wildlife photographers to document bird behavior.


  • Bird scientist
  • Avian biologist
  • Bird researcher
  • Bird expert


  • Non-bird specialist
  • Non-ornithologist

Related Words:

  • Avian
  • Birdwatching
  • Conservation
  • Migration

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Study bird behavior
  • Observe in habitats
  • Track bird movements


  • “A little bird told me” (someone shared a secret)
  • “Bird’s-eye view” (a broad perspective)

Conclusion: Ornithologists stand as stewards of the avian world, delving into the intricate behaviors and life histories of birds. Their scientific pursuits contribute not only to our knowledge of avian biology but also to the preservation of ecosystems and the protection of vulnerable species. The term “ornithologist” encapsulates the passion and dedication required to decode the mysteries of bird behavior, migration, and ecology. Ornithologists serve as the bridge between human curiosity and the captivating world of feathers and flight, guiding our understanding of these diverse and enchanting creatures. This article celebrates their contributions to science and conservation, highlighting the invaluable role they play in unraveling the secrets of avian life and safeguarding the beauty and diversity of our natural world.

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