Our Pyrrhic Victory

Our Pyrrhic Victory

Mr. Dorsey summoned a representative group of teachers and student leaders to his office to elicit their reactions to the suspension of the football captain. He told them that cheating was a pernicious disease that our school could not tolerate. He loathed having to discipline Art Krause so severely, but without strict measures, the students’ bodies would construe the incident as an open invitation to cheat with impunity. “We may lose a football game,” the principal said, “but we can salvage our self-respect.

The Price of Integrity: A Principal’s Dilemma The principal, Mr. Dorsey, faced a difficult decision when the football team captain was caught cheating. Despite its impact on the team’s chances of winning the championship, Mr. Dorsey firmly believed that cheating was a scourge that couldn’t be tolerated in their school. He brought together teachers and student leaders to explain his decision and emphasize the importance of moral values over temporary victories. Though it was tough, Mr. Dorsey hoped they could preserve their self-respect and dignity by standing firm on their principles.

Short Explanation:

  • Pyrrhic victory: A Pyrrhic victory refers to a win or success that comes at a very high cost or sacrifice, to the point where it may not be worth celebrating. It originates from the story of King Pyrrhus of Epirus, who won a battle against the Romans but suffered heavy losses.
  • Summon: Summon means to call someone or something to appear or come to a specific place. It is often used in a legal context where a person is officially ordered to appear in court or in a magical context where someone is called upon using supernatural powers.
  • Elicit: Elicit means to draw out or evoke a response, information, or reaction from someone. It involves asking questions or using techniques to get someone to reveal or express something.
  • Suspension: Suspension refers to the act of temporarily stopping or halting something. It can be used in various contexts, such as suspending a person from their job or suspending a rule or activity temporarily.
  • Pernicious: Pernicious means having a harmful or destructive effect, often in a subtle or gradual way. It is used to describe something that is dangerous or damaging, especially in a long-term or hidden manner.
  • Loathe: Loathe means to feel intense dislike or disgust towards someone or something. It signifies a strong aversion or hatred towards a person, object, or idea.
  • Loath: Loath means unwilling or reluctant to do something. It describes a feeling of strong resistance or hesitation towards a particular action or situation.
  • Construe: Construe means to interpret or understand the meaning or intention of something, especially in a particular way. It involves analyzing and making sense of information or language.
  • Impunity: Impunity refers to the exemption from punishment or negative consequences for one’s actions. It suggests a lack of accountability or consequences for wrongdoing.
  • Salvage: Salvage means to retrieve or save something from a dangerous or damaged situation. It involves rescuing or recovering something valuable or useful from a state of loss or destruction.
  • Self-respect: Self-respect is the regard and esteem one has for oneself. It involves valuing and honoring one’s own worth, dignity, and personal boundaries.
  • Despite: Despite is a preposition used to show that something happens or is true even though there are obstacles, opposition, or contrary circumstances. It indicates a situation where something occurs despite a particular condition or situation.
  • Impact: Impact refers to the strong or significant effect or influence that something has on a person, situation, or system. It signifies a forceful or notable consequence resulting from an action or event.
  • Scourge: Scourge refers to a cause of great suffering, destruction, or misery. It is often used to describe a widespread or severe affliction or punishment that affects a large number of people.
  • Dignity: Dignity is the quality of being worthy of honor, respect, and esteem. It involves maintaining one’s self-worth, integrity, and pride in the face of challenges or adversity.

Short Explanation in Indonesian:

  • pyrrhic victory: kemenangan pahit
  • Summon: Memanggil, meminta hadir, memerintahkan
  • Elicit: Mencari tahu, memperoleh, menghasilkan
  • Suspension: Penangguhan, penghentian, penundaan
  • Pernicious: Berbahaya, merugikan, merusak
  • Loathe: Membenci, tidak suka, tidak senang
  • Loath: Enggan, tidak mau, tidak suka
  • Construe: Menafsirkan, memahami, mengartikan
  • Impunity: Kekebalan hukum, tidak dihukum, tidak dituntut
  • Salvage: Menyelamatkan, memulihkan, mengangkat
  • Self-respect: Harga diri, martabat diri, rasa percaya diri.
  • Despite: Meskipun, kendati, walaupun
  • Impact: Dampak, pengaruh, efek
  • Scourge: Azab, bencana, musibah
  • Dignity: Martabat, kehormatan, harga diri.
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