Parchedness refers to the extreme dryness or thirstiness experienced by something, often due to a lack of moisture or water. This term is commonly used to describe the sensation of being very thirsty or the condition of land or vegetation deprived of water. Parchedness can occur in both literal and figurative contexts, conveying a sense of intense need or deprivation. Here are 10 sample sentences using the word parchedness:
- After hours of hiking under the scorching sun, the travelers felt the parchedness of their throats.
- The cracked earth bore witness to the relentless parchedness of the desert landscape.
- The withered plants in the garden reflected the parchedness of the prolonged drought.
- His lips cracked from the parchedness of the dry air in the desert.
- The parchedness of her skin was a reminder to drink more water and stay hydrated.
- The animals sought refuge from the parchedness of the savanna by congregating around the watering hole.
- The traveler longed for relief from the parchedness of his journey, dreaming of cool streams and lush forests.
- The arid climate of the region contributed to the parchedness of the soil, making agriculture challenging.
- The parchedness of his voice betrayed his desperate need for water after days without sustenance.
- The poem captured the desolation of the desert, evoking the parchedness of the barren landscape.
- Dryness: kekeringan
- Thirstiness: kehausan
- Dehydration: dehidrasi
- Aridity: kekeringan
- Drought: kekeringan
- Desiccation: pengeringan
- Barrenness: kemandegan
- Scarcity of water: kekurangan air
- Sear: mengering
- Desolation: kesunyian
- Moisture: kelembapan
- Hydration: hidrasi
- Wetness: kebasahan
- Quenching: memuaskan
- Saturation: kejenuhan
- Satiety: kekenyangan
- Soddenness: kebasahan
Words derived from parchedness:
- Parched: kering, kehausan
Related words:
- Dry: kering
- Thirsty: haus
- Arid: tandus
- Desert: gurun
- Waterless: tanpa air
Phrasal verbs:
- Quench parchedness: memuaskan kehausan
Common expressions:
- Relief from parchedness: lega dari kehausan
- Suffering from parchedness: menderita karena kehausan
- Severe parchedness: kehausan yang parah
Related idioms:
- Dry as a bone: kering seperti tulang
- Dry mouth: mulut kering