Patent Pending

Patent Pending

My buddy Verne, a precocious automotive wizard, and I were inspired to do some inventing in our town. We thought parking a car parallel to a space on the street might be feasible. Then, by pressing a button, we could slightly raise the four tires off the ground while dropping two unique wheels perpendicular to the curb. It would then be child’s play to roll into the narrowest parking spaces. We took the idea to Ed Greene, who runs the Ford agency, to elicit his reaction. After a perfunctory glance at our plans, to our chagrin, Ed snorted that our idea was inane, but we decided that he was just jealous of our brilliance. Tomorrow, we are going to start on a computer that will enable us to measure the intelligence of perverse automobile dealers who like to deride the efforts of junior geniuses.

  • Buddy: kawan, teman
  • Precocious: ajaib, sangat cerdas untuk usianya
  • Wizard: ahli, penyihir
  • Feasible: layak, dapat dilakukan
  • Off-the-ground: di udara, terbang
  • Perpendicular: tegak lurus, saling tegak lurus
  • Curb: membatasi, menahan
  • Elicit: memancing, menghasilkan
  • Perfunctory: asal-asalan, tanpa perhatian yang cukup
  • Glance: melirik, melihat dengan cepat
  • Chagrin: kecewa, frustrasi
  • Snorted: menghela napas, menghentakkan kaki
  • Inane: bodoh, tidak penting
  • Perverse: menyimpang, tidak wajar
  • Deride: mencemooh, mengejek

My friend Verne, an exceptional automotive engineer, and I were motivated to create something innovative in our town. We believed parking a car parallel to a designated spot on the street would be possible using a button-operated system. The system would lift the car’s four tires slightly off the ground and then drop two unique wheels perpendicular to the curb, allowing for effortless rolling into even the tightest parking spaces.

We took our concept to Ed Greene, the manager of the local Ford dealership, seeking his opinion. However, to our disappointment, Ed dismissed our idea with a dismissive sniff, claiming it was absurd. Despite Ed’s reaction, we were not discouraged and still believed in the potential of our invention.

Determined to prove our brilliance, we developed a computer program to measure the intelligence of stubborn automobile dealers who often belittle the efforts of young inventors like us. We will start working on this program tomorrow, eager to bring our innovative idea to life.

  • Exceptional: luar biasa, istimewa
  • Off-the-ground: di udara, terbang
  • Curb: membatasi, menahan
  • Effortless: mudah, tanpa usaha yang berarti
  • Rolling: bergulir, berputar
  • Dismissive: meremehkan, mengabaikan
  • Sniff: mengendus, menghirup dengan cepat
  • Belittle: meremehkan, menganggap rendah
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