I guess we’ll never be able to quell those persistent rumors about the invention of auto tires that will never wear out, stockings that cannot tear, and pens that won’t run dry. A voluble economist informed me that such products would never be marketed. “Can you imagine,” he asked, “a manufacturer cutting his own throat?” Why would he sell you an item you will never have to replace? No,” my confidant whispered, “it’s part of their scheme of planned obsolescence to keep your merchandise with a limited life span to keep you coming back for more.” I am dubious about the existence of those perfect products, but I’m from Missouri.
- Quell: meredam, menenangkan
- Wear out: aus, rusak karena pemakaian
- Run dry: habis, kehabisan
- Voluble: berceloteh, suka berbicara
- Cutting his own throat: melakukan tindakan yang merugikan diri sendiri
- Confidant: teman percakapan, orang kepercayaan
- Obsolescence: keusangan, tidak lagi relevan
- Dubious: meragukan, tidak jelas
- I’m from Missouri: saya tidak mudah percaya
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The idea of never-ending auto tires, indestructible stockings, and pens that never run out has been discussed for many years. However, the reality of these seemingly perfect products is far from certain. A renowned economist argued that these items would never see the market.
According to the economist, selling a product with a limited lifespan is crucial for manufacturers to keep consumers coming back for more. The notion of planned obsolescence, where products are intentionally designed to have a limited lifespan, ensures a constant flow of business and revenue for the manufacturer.
- Indestructible: tidak dapat dihancurkan, sangat kuat
- Renowned: terkenal, terkenal di seluruh dunia
- Coming back: kembali, datang kembali
- Obsolescence: keusangan, tidak lagi relevan
- Lifespan: masa hidup, umur
- Revenue: pendapatan, pemasukan
Although appealing, the idea of never-ending products may not align with the business model of many companies. In a world where consumers constantly seek convenience and cost-effectiveness, the concept of products with a limited lifespan may not necessarily be a disadvantage.
However, the skeptic in us may question the validity of such claims. The saying goes, “I’m from Missouri, show me.” While the possibility of never-ending products may seem attractive, it is essential to understand the motivations behind the companies that produce them.
In conclusion, the rumors of auto tires, stockings, and pens that never run out may persist. Still, it is crucial to understand the motivations behind the companies producing these products and how they align with our values and beliefs.
- Appalling: mengerikan, sangat buruk
- Never-ending products: produk yang tidak pernah berakhir
- Align: sejajar, sejalan
- Convenience: kenyamanan, kemudahan
- Cost-effectiveness: efektivitas biaya, hemat biaya
- Lifespan: masa hidup, umur
- Essential: penting, sangat dibutuhkan
- Auto tires: ban mobil
- Align with: sejalan dengan
- Our value: nilai kami