Perturb is a verb that means to disturb, unsettle, or cause worry or anxiety in someone. It can describe a state of mental agitation or the disruption of a system, balance, or order. The word often conveys a sense of unease or discomfort brought on by unexpected events or challenges. It can be used in both emotional and technical contexts, such as physics or astronomy, to describe disturbance or disruption.
Sentences Using “Perturb”:
- The loud noise in the middle of the night perturbed the sleeping residents.
- His calm demeanor was perturbed by the sudden announcement of layoffs.
- The scientist was perturbed by the unexpected results of the experiment.
- She tried not to let the critical comments perturb her confidence.
- The small boat was perturbed by the sudden gusts of wind on the lake.
- The student’s unpreparedness for the test visibly perturbed him.
- The stock market was perturbed by rumors of political instability.
- The change in her tone perturbed him, suggesting that something was wrong.
- The ongoing delays perturbed the passengers waiting at the station.
- The planet’s orbit was slightly perturbed by the gravitational pull of a passing asteroid.
Synonyms for “Perturb”:
- Disturb
- Upset
- Unsettle
- Agitate
- Fluster
- Worry
- Alarm
- Discompose
- Rattle
- Disrupt
Antonyms for “Perturb”:
- Calm
- Reassure
- Soothe
- Settle
- Comfort
- Stabilize
- Console
- Compose
- Pacify
- Tranquilize
Related Words:
- Perturbation
- Agitation
- Unease
- Anxiety
- Turbulence
- Disruption
- Dismay
- Distress
- Restlessness
- Commotion
Idiomatic Expressions:
- “Perturbed to no end” – Deeply disturbed or unsettled, e.g., “The strange behavior perturbed her to no end.”
- “Perturbed by the unexpected” – Unsettled by surprises, e.g., “He was perturbed by the unexpected turn of events.”
- “Don’t let it perturb you” – A reassurance not to worry, e.g., “She told him, ‘Don’t let it perturb you; everything will work out.’”
- “Perturbed to the core” – Deeply and fundamentally disturbed, e.g., “The shocking revelation perturbed him to the core.”
- “Perturbed by chaos” – Disturbed by disorder, e.g., “The teacher was perturbed by the chaos in the classroom.”
- “Nothing perturbs him” – Describing someone unshakably calm, e.g., “He is so composed that nothing perturbs him.”
- “Perturbed by the ripple effect” – Disturbed by the consequences, e.g., “The decision perturbed many because of its ripple effect.”
- “Perturbing the peace” – Disrupting a calm situation, e.g., “The loud argument was perturbing the peace of the neighborhood.”
- “Perturbed equilibrium” – A disrupted balance or harmony, e.g., “The new policy perturbed the equilibrium of the team’s workflow.”
- “Perturbed thoughts” – Mentally unsettled or disturbed ideas, e.g., “His perturbed thoughts kept him awake all night.”