The word “perturbable” is an adjective derived from the verb “perturb,” which means to disturb, unsettle, or cause anxiety or confusion. When someone or something is described as “perturbable,” it means that they are susceptible to being disturbed or unsettled by external factors. A perturbable person is one who can easily be agitated, upset, or disturbed, showing a lack of resilience or composure in the face of challenges or stress.
Example Sentences
- He was so perturbable that even the slightest comment would throw him off.
- The perturbable nature of the team made it difficult to maintain focus during stressful moments.
- She was incredibly perturbable, reacting strongly to even small problems.
- The constant disruptions made him feel even more perturbable than usual.
- I found him perturbable, as he would become upset over the smallest issues.
- The perturbable student often struggled with the stress of exams.
- The manager’s perturbable attitude caused him to overreact in high-pressure situations.
- The puppy was easily perturbable, frightened by loud noises and sudden movements.
- He was surprisingly perturbable, especially considering his experience in handling difficult clients.
- Despite her professional demeanor, she was perturbable when faced with unexpected challenges.
- Agitable
- Sensitive
- Disturbable
- Unsettleable
- Nervous
- Easily upset
- Anxious
- Reactable
- Fretful
- Volatile
- Unperturbed
- Composed
- Calm
- Unaffected
- Unshaken
- Resilient
- Steady
- Unruffled
- Indifferent
- Collected
Related Words
- Perturb
- Disturb
- Agitate
- Unsettle
- Anxiety
- Nervousness
- Stress
- Tension
- Composure
- Equanimity
Related Phrasal Verbs
- Perturb with: To disturb or unsettle someone with something, often an action or event.
- Perturb over: To worry or become anxious about something.
- Shake up: To cause a disturbance or upset in a situation, making someone more perturbable.
Idiomatic Expressions
- Get under one’s skin: To bother or disturb someone deeply, making them more perturbable.
- Blow a fuse: To become very upset or angry, often over something small, showing a perturbable nature.
- Lose one’s cool: To react with anger or anxiety, indicating a perturbable temperament.
- Let it get to you: To allow something to disturb or upset you, often revealing how perturbable someone is.
- Fly off the handle: To suddenly become very angry or upset, showing a lack of control and being easily perturbable.
The adjective “perturbable” refers to someone who is easily disturbed, unsettled, or agitated. It highlights a sensitivity to external factors that cause emotional distress or unease. People who are perturbable may have difficulty remaining calm under pressure or in stressful situations. This word has related terms that emphasize vulnerability to anxiety or disturbance, and its antonyms focus on calmness, composure, and emotional resilience. The related idioms and phrasal verbs help to describe the ways in which perturbable individuals react when faced with stress or agitation.