
A “pervert” is a noun or verb used to describe someone who engages in morally or socially unacceptable behavior, often related to sexual misconduct or deviance. As a noun, it refers to an individual who deviates from accepted standards of behavior, especially in a sexual context. As a verb, it signifies the act of distorting or corrupting something, typically involving a departure from commonly accepted norms. The term carries a strong negative connotation and is often associated with actions that violate societal norms and values.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The court convicted the man of being a pervert for his lewd behavior in public.
  2. Parents were concerned about the pervert lurking near the school, prompting increased security measures.
  3. The teacher reported the student’s attempt to pervert the conversation with inappropriate comments.
  4. Society condemns individuals who pervert their positions of authority for personal gain.
  5. Online platforms work diligently to identify and ban users who attempt to pervert the community guidelines.
  6. The artist faced backlash for creating artwork that seemed to pervert traditional cultural symbols.
  7. A pervert was caught secretly filming others in a public restroom.
  8. The employee was fired for attempting to pervert company resources for personal benefit.
  9. The activist argued that certain laws could inadvertently pervert justice rather than uphold it.
  10. Authorities urged citizens to report any suspicious behavior that could indicate a potential pervert in the neighborhood.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Deviant: Devian
  • Degenerate: Merusak
  • Miscreant: Pelanggar hukum
  • Corrupter: Pelanggar
  • Libertine: Pelaku perbuatan terlarang
  • Distorter: Penyimpangan
  • Seducer: Pemikat
  • Exploiter: Penyexploitasi
  • Offender: Pelanggar
  • Dissenter: Orang yang tidak setuju

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Conformist: Konformis
  • Law-abiding: Taat hukum
  • Virtuous: Bermoral
  • Upright: Lurus
  • Ethical: Etis
  • Decent: Sopan
  • Respectable: Terhormat
  • Moral: Moral
  • Lawful: Sah
  • Righteous: Saleh

Words Derived from it and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Perverted: Merusak
  • Perversion: Perusakan

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Sexual misconduct: Perilaku seksual yang tidak senonoh
  • Indecency: Kehinaan
  • Corruption: Korupsi
  • Depravity: Keburukan
  • Immorality: Kemoralan

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Pervert justice: Merusak keadilan
  • Pervert the truth: Merusak kebenaran
  • Pervert the course of action: Merusak jalannya tindakan
  • Pervert societal norms: Merusak norma-norma masyarakat
  • Pervert the system: Merusak sistem

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Pervert behavior: Perilaku merusak
  • Identify and report perverts: Mengidentifikasi dan melaporkan pelaku merusak
  • Guard against perverted actions: Mewaspadai tindakan merusak
  • Combatting perversion: Melawan perusakan

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • A wolf in sheep’s clothing: Seorang manusia yang jahat yang menyamar sebagai baik
  • The devil in disguise: Setan yang menyamar
  • The serpent in the garden: Ular di taman
  • The rotten apple spoils the barrel: Buah yang busuk merusak yang lainnya

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