

Pierce means to make a hole or opening in something by thrusting or penetrating forcefully. It can also refer to a sharp, intense gaze or sound that deeply affects or penetrates.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The blacksmith used a hot iron to pierce the metal and create a decorative pattern.
  2. A beam of sunlight pierced through the dark clouds, illuminating the landscape.
  3. The singer’s powerful voice seemed to pierce the hearts of everyone in the audience.
  4. Carefully, she used a needle to pierce the fabric and create intricate embroidery.
  5. The detective’s eyes seemed to pierce through the suspect’s alibi, revealing the truth.
  6. The arrow was designed to pierce through armor, making it an effective weapon in battle.
  7. With determination, she managed to pierce through the tough exterior and connect with his emotions.
  8. The cold wind had the ability to pierce through even the thickest layers of clothing.
  9. As the news of the tragedy unfolded, a sense of grief pierced the hearts of the community.
  10. The scientist used a laser to pierce through the material and analyze its composition.


  • Penetrate: menembus
  • Perforate: melubangi
  • Thrust: menusuk
  • Transfix: mengejutkan
  • Impale: menusuk
  • Thrust
  • Transfix
  • Impale
  • Stab
  • Puncture
  • Infiltrate
  • Sear
  • Punch
  • Bore
  • Drill
  • Jab
  • Stick
  • Skewer
  • Enter
  • Lacerate
  • Prick
  • Cut through
  • Run through


  • Seal: menyegel
  • Mend: memperbaiki
  • Close: menutup
  • Heal: menyembuhkan
  • Block: menghalangi

Derived Words:

  • Piercing: menusuk atau tajam
  • Piercer: alat yang digunakan untuk menindih atau melubangi

Related Words:

  • Hole: lubang
  • Thrust: tekanan
  • Penetration: penetrasi

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Pierce through: menembus atau menembakan sesuatu dengan tajam

Common Expressions:

  • Eyes that pierce: mata yang menusuk
  • A gaze that pierces through: pandangan yang menusuk


While there may not be specific idioms directly related to the word “pierce,” certain expressions and phrases convey similar meanings or sentiments. Here are some idioms and expressions that capture the essence of penetrating or piercing:

  • Cut through red tape: To overcome bureaucratic obstacles or complexities efficiently.
  • See through someone: To understand someone’s true intentions or character.
  • Get to the heart of the matter: To reach the essential or most important part of an issue.
  • Get under someone’s skin: To irritate or bother someone persistently.
  • Hit the nail on the head: To identify or address the main point accurately.
  • Go straight to the point: To speak or act directly without unnecessary details.
  • Leave no stone unturned: To make every possible effort to uncover or solve something.
  • Drive home a point: To emphasize or make a point very clear.
  • Read between the lines: To understand a hidden or implied meaning in a message.
  • Break the ice: To initiate conversation or interaction in a social setting.
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