A “plague” typically refers to a widespread and highly contagious epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality. It can also be used metaphorically to describe any widespread affliction or nuisance that causes persistent trouble or distress.
Sample Sentences:
- The medieval city was devastated by the bubonic plague, leading to a significant population decline.
- Locusts descended upon the fields like a plague, destroying crops and causing famine.
- The relentless spread of misinformation on social media became a modern-day plague.
- Corruption can plague even the most well-established institutions, eroding trust.
- The invasive species proved to be a plague on the ecosystem, disrupting the balance of the environment.
- Poverty remains a persistent plague in many developing countries, hindering progress.
- The opioid epidemic has become a serious health plague in various parts of the world.
- In the digital age, cybersecurity threats continue to plague businesses and individuals alike.
- Noise pollution can plague urban areas, affecting the well-being of residents.
- Political unrest and violence have been a long-standing plague in the region.
- Epidemic: Epidemi
- Pandemic: Pandemi
- Outbreak: Wabah
- Infestation: Penyakit
- Affliction: Penyakit
- Pestilence: Wabah penyakit
- Menace: Ancaman
- Curse: Kutukan
- Scourge: Azab
- Contagion: Penularan
- Health: Kesehatan
- Well-being: Kesejahteraan
- Prosperity: Kemakmuran
- Abundance: Kelimpahan
- Blessing: Berkah
- Remedy: Obat
- Cure: Penyembuhan
- Relief: Bantuan
- Antidote: Antidote
- Salvation: Keselamatan
Derived Words:
- Plagued: Diteror
- Plaguing: Meneror
- Plagues: Plague
- Plague-ridden: Terjangkit wabah
- Plaguer: Penyiksa
- Plaguedom: Kerusakan
- Plaguey: Mengganggu
- Unplagued: Bebas dari wabah
- Plaguiness: Kerusakan
- Plaguish: Mengganggu
Related Words:
- Pest: Hama
- Outbreak: Pecahnya
- Epidemic: Epidemik
- Contagious: Menular
- Quarantine: Karantina
- Immunization: Imunisasi
- Vector: Pembawa penyakit
- Resilience: Ketahanan
- Sanitation: Sanitasi
- Infection: Infeksi
Phrasal Verbs:
- Plague with: Meneror dengan
- Plague by: Diteror oleh
- Plague upon: Meneror pada
- Plague out: Menyebar dengan cepat
- Plague along: Meneror sepanjang
- Plague around: Meneror di sekitar
- Plague through: Meneror melalui
- Plague over: Meneror di atas
- Plague off: Meneror pergi
- Plague up: Meneror naik
Common Expressions:
- Plague of locusts: Wabah belalang
- Plague on society: Bencana bagi masyarakat
- Economic plague: Bencana ekonomi
- Plague of misinformation: Wabah informasi salah
- Plague on the environment: Bencana bagi lingkungan
- Plague on progress: Hambatan terhadap kemajuan
- Plague on development: Kendala untuk pengembangan
- Plague of corruption: Wabah korupsi
- Plague on humanity: Malapetaka bagi umat manusia
- Plague on the horizon: Malapetaka di depan mata
Related Idioms:
- “A plague on both your houses”: Bencana bagi keduanya
- “The seventh plague”: Bencana ketujuh
- “Bring a plague upon”: Mendatangkan bencana bagi
- “Plague of our times”: Bencana zaman kita
- “Plague on your house”: Bencana bagi rumahmu
- “Plague on both your houses”: Bencana bagi keduanya
- “The first of the ten plagues”: Malapetaka pertama dari sepuluh
- “The curse is worse than the plague”: Kutukan lebih buruk daripada wabah
- “Like a plague of locusts”: Seperti wabah belalang
- “Plague the house”: Meneror rumah