The term “poker-faced” is an adjective used to describe someone who maintains a calm, expressionless demeanor, especially in situations where emotions might be expected to show. A poker-faced person exhibits a stoic and unreadable expression, revealing little or no emotion, and making it difficult for others to discern their feelings or thoughts.
Sample Sentences:
- Despite the surprising news, she remained poker-faced, betraying no hint of her true feelings.
- The detective’s poker-faced interrogation made it challenging for the suspect to gauge the investigation’s progress.
- In the midst of the heated argument, he remained poker-faced, refusing to engage in emotional exchanges.
- The politician maintained a poker-faced appearance during the press conference, revealing nothing about the upcoming policy changes.
- Even as the comedian delivered a series of jokes, the audience noticed the interviewer remained poker-faced throughout.
- Her poker-faced reaction to the unexpected proposal left everyone in suspense.
- Despite the thrilling climax of the movie, he watched it with a poker-faced expression, giving away nothing about his opinion.
- The poker player’s poker-faced demeanor kept opponents guessing about the strength of his hand.
- As the tension rose in the courtroom, the judge stayed poker-faced, maintaining an impartial facade.
- In the face of criticism, the artist stayed poker-faced, showing resilience to negative comments.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Expressionless: Tanpa ekspresi
- Stoic: Kalem
- Unemotional: Tanpa emosi
- Impassive: Tidak beremosi
- Blank-faced: Wajah kosong
- Stone-faced: Wajah batu
- Deadpan: Tanpa ekspresi
- Cool-headed: Tenang
- Composed: Tenang
- Inscrutable: Sulit ditebak
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Emotional: Emosional
- Expressive: Ekspresif
- Animated: Bernyawa
- Responsive: Responsif
- Open-faced: Wajah terbuka
- Transparent: Transparan
- Revealing: Menunjukkan
- Emotional: Emosional
- Candid: Terbuka
- Unreserved: Tanpa batasan
Words Derived from It and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Poker face: Wajah poker
- Poker player: Pemain poker
- Pokerfacedness: Keadaan wajah poker
- Pokerfacing: Bersikap seperti wajah poker
- Pokerly: Dengan poker
- Pokerish: Seperti poker
- Pokerishness: Keadaan seperti poker
- Pokerdom: Dunia poker
- Pokerlike: Seperti poker
- Pokeristic: Terkait dengan poker
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Demeanor: Sikap
- Expression: Ekspresi
- Emotion: Emosi
- Facade: Fasad
- Impartial: Tidak memihak
- Neutral: Netral
- Calm: Tenang
- Reserved: Menahan diri
- Controlled: Terkendali
- Enigmatic: Misterius
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Keep a poker face: Menjaga wajah poker
- Play it poker-faced: Bermain dengan wajah poker
- Stay poker-faced: Tetap dengan wajah poker
- Act poker-faced: Bersikap dengan wajah poker
- Look poker-faced: Terlihat dengan wajah poker
- Remain poker-faced: Tetap dengan wajah poker
- Keep one’s composure: Menjaga ketenangan
- Maintain a stoic appearance: Menjaga penampilan yang kalem
- Retain a neutral expression: Menjaga ekspresi netral
- Conceal one’s emotions: Menyembunyikan emosi
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Keep a straight face: Menjaga wajah datar
- Maintain composure: Menjaga ketenangan
- Show no emotion: Tidak menunjukkan emosi
- Hold one’s poker face: Menahan wajah poker
- Keep a cool head: Tetap tenang
- Wear a poker face: Memakai wajah poker
- Blank expression: Ekspresi kosong
- Stone-faced demeanor: Sikap wajah batu
- Deadpan delivery: Pengucapan tanpa ekspresi
- Show no feelings: Tidak menunjukkan perasaan
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Give nothing away: Tidak memberi tahu apa-apa
- Play one’s cards