Preposterous is an adjective used to describe something utterly absurd, ridiculous, or contrary to reason. It conveys a sense of extreme irrationality or foolishness, often evoking disbelief due to its sheer implausibility. When something is labeled as preposterous, it implies that it goes beyond the bounds of common sense or rationality, making it difficult to take seriously.
Sample Sentences:
- The idea of flying pigs is so preposterous that it’s used as a metaphor for extreme improbability.
- His explanation for being late was so preposterous that no one believed him.
- The proposal to build an underwater city seemed preposterous to most people.
- The conspiracy theory circulating online is so preposterous that it’s dismissed by experts.
- The notion that the moon is made of green cheese is clearly preposterous.
- The excuses given for the missing homework were so preposterous that the teacher couldn’t help but laugh.
- The suggestion that cats can predict the future is considered preposterous by scientists.
- Claiming that the Earth is flat in the 21st century is undeniably preposterous.
- The movie’s plot was criticized for its preposterous twists and turns.
- Some considered the politician’s promises to be preposterous and unrealistic.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Absurd (Absurd)
- Ridiculous (Lucu)
- Nonsensical (Tanpa makna)
- Ludicrous (Menggelikan)
- Inconceivable (Mustahil dipercaya)
- Outlandish (Aneh)
- Unbelievable (Tidak dapat dipercaya)
- Implausible (Tidak masuk akal)
- Far-fetched (Terlalu jauh ditarik)
- Unreasonable (Tidak masuk akal)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Reasonable (Masuk akal)
- Plausible (Masuk akal)
- Sensible (Rasional)
- Logical (Logis)
- Rational (Rasional)
- Credible (Dapat dipercaya)
Derived Words (Kata Turunan):
- Preposterously (Dengan tidak masuk akal)
- Preposterousness (Sifat tidak masuk akal)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Absurdity (Ketidakmasukan akal)
- Folly (Kebodohan)
- Inanity (Kebodohan)
- Nonsense (Nonsens)
- Improbability (Kejadian mustahil)
- Foolishness (Keangkuhan)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Verba):
- Brush off (Mengabaikan dengan meremehkan)
- Laugh off (Menganggap sebagai bercandaan)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Preposterous idea (Ide yang tidak masuk akal)
- Preposterous claim (Pernyataan yang tidak masuk akal)
- Preposterous suggestion (Saran yang tidak masuk akal)
Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):
- “Beyond the realms of possibility” (Di luar batas kemungkinan)
- “As likely as pigs flying” (Sangat tidak mungkin terjadi)