

“Procrustean” refers to an approach or system that enforces uniformity or conformity by disregarding individual differences or unique circumstances. The term originates from the Greek myth of Procrustes, a cruel innkeeper who forced his guests to fit a specific size bed by either stretching them to fit or cutting off their limbs. In a broader context, a procrustean approach or policy imposes rigid standards, rules, or measures without considering the diverse needs and complexities of the situation, leading to unfair and sometimes harmful outcomes.

In Indonesian, the equivalent term for “procrustean” is “prokrustes” or “memaksakan standar.”

Sample sentences using “procrustean” or “prokrustes”:

  1. The company’s procrustean policies failed to address the individual needs of employees.
  2. The government’s procrustean approach to education overlooked the varying capabilities of students.
  3. The manager’s procrustean management style stifled creativity and innovation among the team.
  4. The procrustean regulations made it challenging for small businesses to comply.
  5. The procrustean fitness program disregarded the different fitness levels of participants.
  6. The procrustean zoning laws restricted the development of unique architectural designs.
  7. The school’s procrustean grading system did not consider students’ personal circumstances.
  8. The procrustean budgeting process hindered the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions.
  9. The procrustean sentencing laws applied the same punishment regardless of the circumstances of the crime.
  10. The procrustean healthcare policy failed to account for individual medical needs.

Lists of related words: Synonyms:

  • Inflexible
  • Rigid
  • Arbitrary
  • Conformist
  • Standardizing


  • Flexible
  • Adaptive

Related words:

  • Procrustean measures
  • Procrustean policies
  • Procrustean solutions
  • Procrustean requirements
  • Procrustean approach

Phrasal verbs:

  • Adopt a procrustean stance
  • Implement procrustean rules
  • Follow a procrustean policy
  • Resist procrustean measures


  • The dangers of a procrustean approach to problem-solving
  • Navigating the limitations of a procrustean system in a diverse society
  • The impact of procrustean policies on individual rights and freedoms
  • The need for flexibility and adaptability in policymaking and decision-making
  • The importance of considering individual circumstances in a procrustean environment

Conclusion: “Procrustean” describes an approach or system that enforces uniformity without considering individual differences or unique circumstances. In Indonesian, it is translated as “prokrustes” or “memaksakan standar.” The term highlights the importance of embracing flexibility and adaptability in policies, decision-making, and problem-solving. Recognizing the diverse needs and complexities of different situations allows for more inclusive and equitable outcomes. By avoiding a procrustean mindset, individuals and organizations can foster a more accommodating and compassionate environment that acknowledges and respects individuality. Embracing a more flexible and empathetic approach enhances the overall well-being and satisfaction of individuals and contributes to a more harmonious and cohesive society.

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