The term proliferate refers to the rapid increase or spread of something, often in a way that is abundant or excessive. It is commonly used in contexts such as biology, where it describes the rapid multiplication of cells, but it can also apply to ideas, technologies, or phenomena that expand quickly and widely. The concept of proliferation often carries implications of growth that may be uncontrolled or overwhelming, such as the proliferation of information in the digital age or the spread of invasive species in an ecosystem. Synonyms for “proliferate” include multiply, increase, expand, spread, grow, burgeon, snowball, ** escalate**, *amplify*, and *propagate*. Each of these synonyms emphasizes different aspects of growth or expansion, whether it be in quantity, influence, or reach.
Sentences Using “Proliferate”
- In recent years, social media platforms have allowed misinformation to proliferate at an alarming rate.
- The scientist observed how the bacteria began to proliferate in the nutrient-rich environment.
- Urban areas tend to proliferate with new businesses as the economy improves.
- The popularity of smartphones has caused mobile applications to proliferate across various markets.
- As the internet became more accessible, online learning resources began to proliferate.
- The invasive plant species can proliferate quickly, outcompeting native flora for resources.
- Ideas about sustainability have started to proliferate among younger generations.
- The rapid proliferation of technology has transformed how we communicate and interact.
- In the wake of the pandemic, health guidelines and safety measures began to proliferate globally.
- The artist’s unique style caused her influence to proliferate throughout the art community.
This exploration of the term “proliferate” highlights its significance in discussions about growth and expansion, emphasizing its applications in various fields, including science, technology, and social dynamics.
Please note that these sentences are for illustrative purposes and may not reflect real-world situations.
Here are some possible synonyms for “proliferate” and their Indonesian equivalents:
- Multiply – Berkembang biak
- Multiply rapidly – Berkembang biak dengan cepat
- Breed – Berkembang biak
- Reproduce – Berkembang biak
- Propagate – Menyebar
- Spread – Menyebar
- Increase – Meningkat
- Expand – Memperluas
- Grow rapidly – Tumbuh dengan cepat
- Flourish – Berkembang
Here are some possible antonyms for “proliferate” with their Indonesian equivalents:
- Decrease – Menurun
- Diminish – Berkurang
- Reduce – Mengurangi
- Dwindle – Menyusut
- Decline – Menurun
- Contract – Menyusut
- Shrink – Mengecil
- Minimize – Meminimalkan
- Abate – Menurun
- Subside – Mereda
Related Words
- Proliferation: Proliferasi
- Progeny: Keturunan
- Propagate: Menyebarluaskan
- Reproduce: Berkembangbiak
- Multiply: Melipatgandakan
- Spread: Menyebar
- Increase: Meningkat
- Expand: Memperluas
- Grow: Tumbuh
- Escalate: Meningkat drastis/Naik level
Here are some possible phrasal verbs related to “proliferate”:
- Spread out – To expand or extend over a larger area.
- Multiply rapidly – To increase or expand rapidly in numbers or quantity.
- Grow exponentially – To increase or expand at an increasingly rapid rate.
- Take over – To gain control or dominate a particular area or market.
- Sweep across – To spread quickly and widely across a region or population.
- Burst forth – To suddenly and rapidly increase in number or quantity.
- Shoot up – To rapidly increase or rise to a new level or status.
- Spring up – To suddenly appear or arise in large numbers or quantity.
- Run rampant – To spread or proliferate uncontrollably.
- Snowball effect – To rapidly increase or grow in an accelerating manner.
Here are some possible idioms related to “proliferate”:
- Breed like rabbits – To reproduce or proliferate at a rapid pace.
- Mushrooming growth – A rapid and sudden increase in numbers or quantity.
- Spread like wildfire – To rapidly and widely proliferate or spread.
- Snowball effect – A situation where something grows or expands rapidly in an accelerating manner.
- Multiplying like gremlins – To rapidly and unexpectedly increase in number or quantity.
- Going viral – To rapidly and widely spread through social media or other channels.
- Catching on like wildfire – To spread rapidly and successfully.
- Biting off more than you can chew – To take on more than you can handle or manage.
- In full bloom – To be in a state of rapid and flourishing growth or expansion.
- Out of control – To be proliferating or spreading beyond the bounds of what is manageable or acceptable.