

Prolix refers to a style of communication or writing that is excessively long, wordy, and detailed, often to the point of becoming tedious or tiresome for the reader or listener. When something is described as prolix, it typically means that the information could have been presented more concisely without sacrificing clarity. Prolixity often obscures the main points or ideas being conveyed, making it a challenge for the audience to grasp the core message.

In Indonesian, “prolix” can be translated as “bertele-tele” or “berlebihan dalam berbicara.”

Sample Sentences:

  1. The prolix report was difficult to follow due to its excessive use of jargon.
  2. The speaker’s prolix lecture left the audience feeling overwhelmed with unnecessary details.
  3. His prolix writing style made it hard for readers to extract the main argument.
  4. The author’s prolix descriptions slowed down the pacing of the story.
  5. The prolix contract contained numerous clauses that could have been simplified.
  6. The professor’s prolix explanations caused confusion among the students.
  7. Instead of concise bullet points, the presentation was filled with prolix paragraphs.
  8. The prolix nature of the speech caused some attendees to lose interest.
  9. The prolix email was so lengthy that it went unread by most recipients.
  10. The book’s prolix introduction delayed the reader’s engagement with the content.


  • Wordy
  • Long-winded
  • Verbous
  • Lengthy
  • Rambling
  • Tedious
  • Overly detailed
  • Repetitive
  • Tiresome
  • Verbose


  • Concise
  • Succinct
  • To the point
  • Brief

Related Words:

  • Excessiveness
  • Superfluity
  • Redundancy
  • Elaboration

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Go on and on
  • Drone on


  • Beat around the bush
  • Drag out

Conclusion: In conclusion, prolixity refers to an extended and long-winded manner of communication that can detract from the clarity and impact of the message being conveyed. While there are instances where detailed explanations are necessary, it’s essential to strike a balance between thoroughness and brevity, respecting the audience’s time and attention. Effective communication involves conveying information in a concise and engaging manner, ensuring that the main points are understood without overwhelming the listener or reader. Being mindful of prolixity can lead to more effective communication and a more positive reception of one’s message.

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