A promontory is a high point of land or rock that extends into a body of water, such as a sea, lake, or river. Promontories often have steep or sheer cliffs, and offer scenic views of the surrounding area. Promontories are formed by various natural processes, such as erosion, currents, glaciers, or rivers. Some examples of famous promontories are the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, Cape Cod in the United States, and Cape Horn in South America.
Here are 10 sample sentences using the word promontory:
- The lighthouse was built on a promontory to warn the ships of the dangerous rocks.
- We climbed to the top of the promontory and enjoyed the sunset over the ocean.
- The castle was situated on a promontory that was hard to attack.
- He stood on the promontory and gazed at the horizon.
- They explored the promontory and found some fossils and shells.
- The promontory was a popular spot for fishing and birdwatching.
- She wore a scarf around her neck to protect herself from the cold wind on the promontory.
- He jumped off the promontory and plunged into the water.
- They set up their camp on a promontory overlooking the valley.
- The promontory was a sacred place for the ancient people.
Here are some lists of synonyms, antonyms, derived words, related words, phrasal verbs, expressions, and idioms related to promontory:
Synonyms (with Indonesian equivalent):
- Point (titik)
- Cape (tanah genting)
- Headland (tanjung)
- Foreland (tanah menjorok)
- Spur (cabang pegunungan)
- promontory (tanjung)
Antonyms (with Indonesian equivalent):
- Bay (teluk)
- Cove (teluk kecil)
- Inlet (muara)
- Gulf (teluk besar)
- Recess (celah)
Derived words (with Indonesian equivalent):
- Promontorial (berhubungan dengan tanjung)
- Promontorium (nama Latin untuk tanjung)
- Promontory (nama Inggris untuk tanjung)
Related words (with Indonesian equivalent):
- Peninsula (semenanjung)
- Island (pulau)
- Coast (pantai)
- Ocean (samudra)
- Sea (laut)
- Shore (tepi)
Phrasal verbs (with Indonesian equivalent):
- Look out (menjaga, mengawasi) from a promontory
- Stand out (menonjol, mencolok) as a promontory
- Jut out (menjorok, menonjol) into the water as a promontory
- Hang over (menggantung, menjulur) the edge of a promontory
- Climb up (mendaki, menaiki) a promontory
- Jump off (melompat, terjun) a promontory
Expressions (with Indonesian equivalent):
- To be on the promontory of (berada di puncak, di ambang) something
- To reach the promontory of (mencapai puncak, batas) something
- To stand on the promontory of (berdiri di puncak, di ujung) something
- To fall from the promontory of (jatuh dari puncak, dari ketinggian) something
- To see from the promontory of (melihat dari puncak, dari sudut pandang) something
- To live on a promontory (hidup di tanjung, di tempat terpencil)
Idioms (with Indonesian equivalent):
- To be a promontory of knowledge (menjadi sumber pengetahuan, orang yang berilmu)
- To be a promontory of wisdom (menjadi sumber kebijaksanaan, orang yang bijak)
- To be a promontory of courage (menjadi sumber keberanian, orang yang berani)
- To be a promontory of hope (menjadi sumber harapan, orang yang memberi inspirasi)
- To be a promontory of light (menjadi sumber cahaya, orang yang memberi pencerahan)
- To be a promontory of peace (menjadi sumber kedamaian, orang yang menyejukkan)