
Refinement refers to the process of improving or perfecting something, often by making subtle changes that enhance its quality, elegance, or precision. It involves the cultivation of manners, taste, and behavior to attain a higher level of sophistication or excellence. In various contexts, refinement implies a careful and thoughtful adjustment to achieve a more polished and desirable outcome.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The artist spent hours in the studio, focusing on the refinement of every brushstroke.
  2. Her speech reflected a high degree of refinement, capturing the attention of the sophisticated audience.
  3. The chef’s culinary skills showcased a remarkable level of refinement in flavor combinations.
  4. The interior designer brought a sense of refinement to the space with elegant furnishings.
  5. The company implemented a series of refinements to enhance the user experience of their app.
  6. The couturier’s attention to detail demonstrated a commitment to the refinement of each garment.
  7. The scientist dedicated years to the refinement of the experimental procedure for accurate results.
  8. The writer engaged in multiple drafts for the refinement of the novel’s plot and characters.
  9. Continuous learning is a key element in the refinement of professional skills.
  10. The athlete’s dedication to training led to a noticeable refinement in performance.


  • Enhancement: Peningkatan
  • Cultivation: Pembudayaan
  • Improvement: Perbaikan
  • Polishing: Pemolesan
  • Sophistication: Kesopanan


  • Deterioration: Kemunduran
  • Coarseness: Kekejaman
  • Degradation: Penurunan
  • Impurity: Kekotoran
  • Roughness: Kekasar

Derived Words:

  • Refined (adjective): Tersempurna
  • Refiner (noun): Pengolah
  • Refinable (adjective): Dapat diperbaiki

Related Words:

  • Elegance: Keanggunan
  • Precision: Ketelitian
  • Taste: Selera
  • Excellence: Keunggulan
  • Quality: Kualitas

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Refine upon: Memperbaiki lebih lanjut
  • Refine out: Menyingkirkan yang tidak perlu

Common Expressions:

  • A touch of refinement: Sentuhan kesempurnaan
  • To refine one’s skills: Meningkatkan keterampilan

Related Idioms:

  • Polish up (one’s act): Memoles penampilan
  • Fine-tune: Menyetel sedemikian rupa

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