“Renounce” is a verb that signifies the formal rejection or abandonment of a belief, claim, right, or allegiance. It implies a clear and public declaration of disassociation, often involving a profound and deliberate decision to sever ties or connections.
Sample Sentences:
- In a surprising move, the politician decided to renounce his candidacy for the upcoming election.
- The monarch chose to renounce the outdated traditions that had long oppressed the people.
- Some individuals decide to renounce their citizenship in search of new opportunities abroad.
- The religious leader urged followers to renounce violence in the pursuit of peace.
- Facing criticism, the celebrity was compelled to renounce controversial statements made in the past.
- To pursue her true calling, she had to renounce the security of her corporate job.
- The treaty required the nation to renounce its claim to certain disputed territories.
- The renegade group decided to renounce their allegiance to the ruling authority.
- In a symbolic gesture, the artist chose to renounce all awards and accolades.
- The athlete was forced to renounce his title after allegations of doping surfaced.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Reject (Menolak)
- Abandon (Meninggalkan)
- Denounce (Mengutuk)
- Disown (Menolak)
- Relinquish (Melepaskan)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Embrace (Merangkul)
- Accept (Menerima)
- Acknowledge (Mengakui)
- Admit (Mengakui)
Words Derived (Kata Turunan):
- Renunciation (Penolakan)
- Renouncer (Pemberi penolakan)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Abandonment (Pembiaran)
- Denouncement (Pengutukan)
- Dissociation (Pemisahan)
- Repudiation (Penolakan)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):
- Renounce Allegiance (Menolak ketaatan)
- Renounce Citizenship (Menolak kewarganegaraan)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Renounce the Old Ways (Menolak cara lama)
- Renounce a Claim (Menolak klaim)
Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):
- To wash one’s hands of (Menolak tanggung jawab atau keterlibatan)
- To cut all ties (Memutus semua hubungan)