“Revolt” is a verb that signifies a strong and often violent opposition or resistance against authority, control, or tradition. It involves a widespread, collective act of defiance or rebellion by a group of people who are dissatisfied with the existing conditions or ruling power.
Sample Sentences:
- The oppressed citizens decided to revolt against the tyrannical regime.
- Frustrated by unjust policies, the workers staged a massive revolt for better working conditions.
- The students’ peaceful demonstration evolved into a full-blown revolt against the oppressive educational system.
- The peasants’ revolt was fueled by years of economic exploitation.
- Citizens began to revolt when their basic rights were systematically violated.
- The prisoners orchestrated a daring revolt to protest against inhumane treatment.
- The indigenous community initiated a cultural revolt to preserve their traditions.
- In response to oppressive taxation, the townspeople decided to revolt against the ruling class.
- The sailors’ discontent led to a naval revolt that reshaped maritime policies.
- Workers in the industrial sector organized a revolt demanding fair wages and improved working conditions.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Rebellion: pemberontakan
- Uprising: pemberontakan
- Insurrection: pemberontakan
- Mutiny: pemberontakan
- Resistance: perlawanan
- Dissent: ketidaksetujuan
- Protest: protes
- Insurgence: pemberontakan
- Sedition: hasutan
- Insurgence: pemberontakan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Compliance: kepatuhan
- Submission: penyerahan
- Obedience: ketaatan
- Conformity: kepatuhan
- Acquiescence: penurutan
- Loyalty: loyalitas
- Submissiveness: ketaatan
Words Derived from It and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Revolter: pemberontak
- Revolting: membangkitkan perasaan benci
- Revolted: memberontak
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Revolted population: penduduk yang memberontak
- Revolutionary: revolusioner
- Protester: pendemo
- Dissenter: pemberontak
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Revolt against: memberontak melawan
- Revolt to overthrow: memberontak untuk menggulingkan
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Lead a revolt: memimpin pemberontakan
- Quell a revolt: meredam pemberontakan
- Crush a revolt: menghancurkan pemberontakan
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Rebel without a cause: pemberontak tanpa tujuan
- Cry revolt: bersuara keras melawan