

A riddle is a type of puzzle or question that is designed to be difficult to solve or answer. It often involves wordplay, ambiguity, or a play on words. Riddles can be used for entertainment, as a way to challenge the mind, or as a form of education. They can be found in literature, folklore, and popular culture.

Sample sentences using the word “riddle”:

  1. Can you solve this riddle: What has a heart that doesn’t beat?
  2. The answer to the riddle was hidden in the poem.
  3. The riddle was so difficult that no one could solve it.
  4. The children enjoyed trying to solve the riddles in the book.
  5. The riddle was a clever play on words.
  6. The riddle stumped even the smartest person in the room.
  7. The riddle was a fun way to pass the time on the long car ride.
  8. The answer to the riddle was revealed at the end of the story.
  9. The riddle was a popular game among the villagers.
  10. The riddle was a test of intelligence and wit.


  • Complexity: kompleksitas
  • Conundrum: teka-teki sulit
  • Dilemma: dilema
  • Enigma: misteri
  • Mystery: misteri
  • Puzzle: teka-teki
  • Quandary: kebimbangan
  • Teaser: teka-teki
  • Bewilderment: kebingungan
  • Charade: sandiwara
  • Complication: komplikasi
  • Confusion: kebingungan
  • Cryptogram: sandi
  • Distraction: gangguan
  • Doubt: keraguan
  • Embarrassment: rasa malu
  • Entanglement: keterlibatan
  • Intricacy: kerumitan
  • Labyrinth: labirin
  • Maze: labirin
  • Mystification: kebingungan
  • Perplexity: kebingungan
  • Plight: kesulitan
  • Poser: teka-teki
  • Predicament: situasi sulit
  • Problem: masalah
  • Puzzlement: kebingungan
  • Question: pertanyaan
  • Rebus: teka-teki gambar
  • Stickler: orang yang sangat memperhatikan detail
  • Strait: kesulitan
  • Stumper: teka-teki sulit


  • Solution – Solusi
  • Answer – Jawaban
  • Clarity – Keterbukaan
  • Explanation – Penjelasan
  • Truth – Kebenaran
  • Certainty – Kepastian
  • Comprehension – Pemahaman
  • Simplicity – Kesederhanaan
  • Plainness – Keterangkuman
  • Transparency – Keterbukaan

Derived words:

  • Riddler: orang yang suka membuat teka-teki
  • Riddled: penuh dengan teka-teki
  • Riddling: membuat teka-teki

Related words:

  • Puzzle-solving: pemecahan teka-teki
  • Wordplay: permainan kata-kata
  • Ambiguity: keambiguan
  • Wit: kecerdasan

Phrasal verbs:

  • Figure out: mencari tahu
  • Work out: menyelesaikan
  • Puzzle out: memecahkan

Common expressions:

  • Riddle me this: berikan aku teka-teki
  • Riddle me that: berikan aku teka-teki
  • Riddle of the Sphinx: teka-teki Sphinx

Related idioms:

  • A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma: teka-teki yang sangat sulit dipecahkan
  • As clear as mud: tidak jelas

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